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The Truth About Obesity And Health

At a certain point in our lives, we were led to believe that being fat is cute. Accordingly, we were also made to believe that being fat is healthy because it means that we are eating well and are not bordering on malnutrition and the likes. As young children, these beliefs may not be helped because the adults around us have imbibed such viewpoints in our mindset. But as we have already grown to adults who are capable of thinking for ourselves, we should already make it a point to decipher the ideas and concepts that are real and which ones are merely imaginary.

Fact is, many adults have become so used to eating well and eating too much when they were still young to the extent that even in their adult stage, they have already adapted the practice of eating too much. To make matters worse, these adults are also eating the wrong kinds of food. For those adults, obesity has thus become a distinct possibility that they would be forced to grapple with.

Obesity is a condition that is marked by becoming too fat. Technically, a person is not yet considered as obese when he or she has not yet exceeded the BMI or body mass index of 30. Of course, obesity is a condition that we all want to avoid, for the reason that it has quite a number of effects on our health and of course, because it also shadows our physical appearance. Neglecting the latter, however, we should now focus on the effect that obesity may have on our health because this factor really cannot be ignored.

Obesity is a disaster that is headed for many health complications, that is already a given and a known fact, especially since many awareness campaigns and information drives have raised the consciousness son this issue. But then again, do we really know how obesity affects our health? According to some health experts, the reason why some people are probably not taking much effort to ease off obesity is because they are not aware of the gravity of the condition. Here's a peak as to how obesity can utterly damage the health and wellness of an individual.

According to research studies, there are certain elements that are produced by fat cells which lead to the development of various diseases. These elements are called PEDF. Because PEDF is produced by fat cells, people who are overweight have higher levels of the protein in the bloodstream. The protein sends a signal to other tissues in the body, triggering development of insulin resistance in the muscles and liver. Meanwhile, it was also discovered that raised PEDF levels were also linked to a release of fats into the bloodstream, raising the risk of complications such as heart disease.
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