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A Nonprofit organization helps you fight obesity

No one wants to be overweight, still obesity is the biggest problem of this era. Almost every household of USA has an overweight person. The reason behind this is people don't understand obesity. To fight it you need to have a complete knowledge about it.

Why people become overweight?

Mainly due to lack of physical work and consumption of unhealthy junk food. Our food gives us calorie, if we do physical work the calorie gives us energy otherwise it gets stored in our body as fat. If your calorie intake becomes more than your calorie burn, then you would become overweight.

Many Non profit organizations provide free classes about obesity. They publish articles; arrange seminars, webinars to make people understand about these harmful diseases. Yes overweight is a disease, it not just makes you look odd, but gives you many other diseases like Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, joint pain, high blood pressure, few types of cancer etc. Therefore, you need to get rid of it not only to look good but also for your health. Avoid the flashy advertisements with mystery cures, which say about quick weight loss. You have not earned your bulges within a day; it will not just vanish within a moment. Moreover these mystery cures ends up giving you many health hazards.

* Have a balanced diet, which is low of calorie but full with nutrients

* Drink lots of water, avoid sodas and hard drinks.

* Have a glass of water before eating; it reduces your appetite

* Yes, you need to eat little less but being anorexic is no good for health, so to be fit have lots of fruit.

* Try to do physical exercise every day.

But sometimes maintaining a healthy habit all alone becomes tough. To learn which exercise pattern and which diet plan will do you the best, try out a good weight loss program Make sure that the program provide you a customized treatment. An exercise, which may have given your friend a good result, could give you nothing at all. So being in a personalized weight loss program is very necessary. But if you have severe obesity then you will need bariatric surgery. Don't worry hearing about surgeries, these are minimally invasive clinically approved methods, give you quick recovery from obesity. However, these are only for people with severe obesity, if you are not severely obese a surgeon won't perform it on you. Morbid obesity requires surgical solution because this stage obesity is highly hazardous to health, it can be fatal at a time. Generally surgeons suggest it if one has a BMI above 35, but if the a person is suffering with any obesity related disease then they do it at the BMI of 30 also. There are still many people in USA who are suffering with morbid obesity but can't have surgery due to lack of money. Many charitable foundations arrange free bariatric surgery for these deserving candidates. If you are also among one of them contact such foundation now. Your health is the most precious wealth, try to protect it.
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