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Could the HCG Diet Possibly Cure Obesity

It seems like finding the solution to the problem of obesity is impossible. So many overweight people focus on dieting and eating to solve their weight problem, but this doesn't get you anywhere. If you don't know the real reason behind your obesity, dieting won't really help cure you permanently.

Obesity has gotten an unmerited, bad reputation in our society. For a very long time, nutritionists and scientists have been looking without success for the medical cause of obesity. The failure of medical science has only strengthened the untrue and unjust view of obesity we've turned to for untold years.

The Myth of Obesity: The only way to become overweight is if you choose to overeat.

The cause of obesity could not be so simple, maintained doctor Simeons, who practiced medicine in Rome in the 1950s. Doctor Simeons believed that obesity was not caused by overeating; instead, overeating was caused by obesity.

To help in his investigations, ATW Simeons put together the following "maxims," or truths. The HCG diet and HCG drops are the outcome of doctor ATW Simeons' dedication to these maxims.

Maxim #1: Obesity is a disorder.

Disorders occur when an organ or other body part no longer works like it should. So there is a specific organ that causes obesity when it malfunctions.

Maxim #2: Every ounce of abnormal fat is caused by obesity.

In other words, if you don't have obesity you can only gain a limited amount of weight. Unfortunately, when you start to store large, abnormal fat deposits, obesity has begun.

Maxim #3: Overeating does not cause obesity. Rather, obesity causes overeating.

So what's the reason behind why you get such strong hunger attacks all the time? Now you know. The hunger attacks of obese people aren't just mental. They're a physical product of the disorder. Obese bodies take more calories to function. Your body knows that when it needs energy, it will come faster through sugar than any other type of food, so it sends intense cravings to get what it needs as fast as possible.

Maxim #4: People who suffer from the obesity disorder will become fat regardless of what they eat.

The reason you get fat is because of the malfunction in your body that causes obesity. It's part of how obesity works that your fat is locked away. Even when you try to minimize your eating, your abnormal fat deposits are not used for fuel except as a last resort.

Maxim #5: Those without obesity will never gain excess weight.

It's a depressing thought, but it's possible for some people to eat anything and everything while never gaining weight. Without the obesity disorder, behavior like that is possible.

Free From the Weight of Injustice

Dr. ATW Simeons' maxims show how badly obesity has been misunderstood these days. It's not your fault that your body has faltered.

All this adds up to more than just a wonderful realization -- it leads to a way to actually combat obesity. The maxims that help us understand obesity also enabled Dr. ATW Simeons to develop a way to aim at the specific bodily mechanism that causes obesity. This procedure is known as the HCG diet with HCG drops. HCG is a hormone that works on a specific organ within the brain called the diencephalon. HCG works on the part of the body that causes obesity -- the diencephalon. When combined with a specific low-calorie diet, HCG fixes the disorder and rebalances the diencephalon, allowing you to finally lose weight swiftly and keep it off long term.
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