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Will antibiotics cause obesity

Modern medicine has always been a way to fight the modern diseases that are being caused by the modern lifestyle. Antibiotics are no different than this modern voodoo. Hence, antibiotics also pose many dangers, which can be avoided as long as you can avoid the antibiotics. Even though using them becomes very important in certain circumstances, you should avoid them whenever possible.

Whenever you see an advertisement for a new drug, you'll always hear about the list of its bizarre side effects. For example, the drug XYZ might cause an itchy nose, furry feeling on the tongue and so on. We'll mostly never notice majority of these. But have you ever seen any drugs with the side effects of obesity. Yes, few of these drugs even cause obesity, and according to an article published in the "New Scientist" magazine, overdosing on these can be a major cause of obesity.

People who use too much of antibiotics are fighting all the germs with these external forces. With time, their white blood cells (disease fighting cells in the blood) become weak and hence, useless. On the other hand, the antibiotics also weaken the gut bacteria that are responsible for digestion. This is one of the reason that the people on antibiotics are always weak; the food in their body remains undigested.

At the same time, studies have been conducted about feeding mice with the same quantity of antibiotics that are fed to children who get infections. In one of these studies, six out of twelve mice were fed antibiotics. The drugged mice had lower levels of T-cells (cells responsible for the body's immune system) as compared to the mice that were never fed antibiotics. The lower levels of T-cells has been related to obesity in the longer run.

In another study, Danish researchers studied the growth and development of 25,000 babies. The monitored them for a period of seven years, where the babies who were given antibiotics within the six months of their birth, showed more signs of being over-weight by the age of 7 as compared to the children who were never had antibiotics. However, all of these studies were too preliminary as stated by the researchers. Hence, the use antibiotics cannot be stopped altogether until more researchers prove the fact.

On the other hand, every medical research till date has proven that the artificial and processed consumption of food and drugs has always been harmful for humanity. This includes the fast-food that we consume, the vegetables and fruits that have been sprayed with toxic fertilizers and the modern medicine that we consume in our everyday lives.
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