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Discovering The Health Consequences Of Obesity And Poor Lifestyle

Obesity may be understood in terms of an accumulation of bodily fat often exceeding up to 20 percent of what is regarded as a normal weight. This condition affects a large number of individuals globally and is associated with a wide range of health risks. It is important for obese individuals to understand these risks and the ways in which excess weight may be effectively managed.

The body mass index or BMI is the measurement used to calculate the weight of an individual relative to height. When numbers are between 25 and 29.5 an individual is considered to be overweight in comparison to a BMI of 30 which is said to obese. When individuals weigh up to 50 to 100 percent of a normal weight with a BMI of 40, this is considered morbidly obese.

An accumulation of fatty tissue around essential organs places increased stress on its function and poses a serious health risk. Excess consumption of calories in relation to what is being burned through activity or exercise will result in an accumulation of fatty tissue. It is important to consider some of the factors which may play a significant role in developing this condition.

Genetics may contribute to a predisposition should lifestyle and weight not be effectively managed. With an increase in age there is also a decline in metabolic process. Psychological factors, medication as well as illness can all contribute to the development of an obese state.

Environmental factors also play an important role in the maintenance of obesity especially when it comes to lifestyle. For those who live an unhealthy lifestyle, factors such as age, gender and genetics will play a relatively small role in storing increased fatty tissue. Engaging in exercise such as cardiovascular activity in simple options such as walking which will assist in burning extra calories.

The associated risks include Type II diabetes, heart attack, stroke, sleep apnea as well as higher cholesterol and chronic illness. When individuals carry large amounts of weight, there is an excessive amount of weight that is placed on joints and many develop osteoarthritis. Your size relative to height and lifestyle will determine the conditions you are largely at risk for.

Healthy lifestyle is key to effectively managing obesity. Engage in weight loss programs, be sure to cut out processed foods and incorporate fresh foods and wholegrains gradually along with exercise. Consult with your practitioner in order to eliminate diseases as cause for excess weight gain and explore support groups that will assist in achieving dietary goals.
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