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What Is Childhood Obesity & How to Prevent It

The modern lifestyle and eating habits have made childhood obesity a global epidemic. Obesity amongst children is no longer a minor problem and has been scientifically proven to be a precursor to various more serious afflictions. Active steps should be taken to help children fight it off and prevent it in others.

It is very important for parents to understand when their children have crossed the limit of what should be a healthy weight. Calculating the BMI (Body Mass Index) of their children will easily tell the parents if they should be concerned about their child's weight. Many times some children simply are a bit heavier, but more often than not, they have excessive fat due to an inactive lifestyle, unhealthy diet and other contributing factors.

Why Is It a Serious Disease?

Scientifically proven childhood obesity facts show that an obese child is many times more likely to suffer from various debilitating lifestyle diseases. These diseases include serious disorders such as diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, thyroid, cancer etc. The onset of these diseases could happen during childhood or teen years or in their early adult life. This would mean that they would be handicapped for life.

The above diseases are merely of a physical nature. Obese children are also more prone to mental disorders like depression, anxiety and so on during childhood and teen years. Being obese is immensely stigmatizing due to the criticism and teasing a child has to face while growing up. This can have a very deleterious effect on the child's psyche.

What Causes It?

The modern lifestyle that most children lead is a very sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle. Outdoor activities are curtailed in favor of video games and healthy eating takes a backseat due to the prevalence of fast foods and junk foods. Thus a perfectly healthy child would become obese within a few years.

Moreover, many child obesity facts show that some children also might have a genetic disposition towards obesity if their parents are obese. If this is the case, parents should actively try to inculcate healthy habits such as physical exercise and healthy eating right from the start.

How To Prevent It?

Children must be taught to enjoy physical exercise right from the beginning. Parents thus should introduce children to outdoor sports and games to make sure they have an ideal lifestyle. They should also limit junk food to a weekly or monthly basis while a normal diet should include fruits, vegetables and healthy homemade preparations.

It is vital to know that any food item or practice in excess is bad. Moderation is the key. One must not ban a child's enjoyment but know how to balance it with other essentials.
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