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Obesity Chart - Your Guideline To Maintaining A Healthy Body Weight

Being classified as obese is something no one wants to hear. It is not merely being called fat but being referred to as having uncontrollable body weight issues that are above average and now pose as a severe risk to the health. But before reaching a level of obesity there are means and indicators that will help people maintain their ideal body weight so as to avoid falling into the obese category. One such method is the obesity chart.

The obesity chart could also be referred to as the BMI or Body Mass Index chart as it gives an approximate calculation of a persons current weight and not merely stating if someone is obese. The BMI does not directly calculate body fat but it is very closely correlated to measures of body fat that takes into consideration a persons height and weight and uses a mathematical formula to calculate a result. The obesity chart shows the possible variations of height and weight in order to calculate a persons BMI and can be used by anyone regardless of their ethnicity, race, gender or age.

The most commonly used obesity chart is the BMI calculator however there are many other types of obesity charts available but it is best to find a chart where you would be able to understand without difficulty. Some charts provide readers with various information on how to read an obesity chart whilst other charts have numbers displayed in tableau format for readers to go through. The obesity chart is the ideal indicator for people to find out where they stand on the weight scale as it also gives people their privacy to find out if they are indeed obese.

After determining a persons BMI the next step is to interpret the calculated result. If the result places you in the obese range it is always advisable to seek medical confirmation too. The obesity chart is certainly valid for both men and women however they are only approximated values but do indeed have some limitations such as the body fat can be overestimated in those who have muscular build like athletes and it may underestimate the body fat in those who have lost muscle mass such as older people. Someone who is completely healthy can be seen to have an unhealthy

Someone who suffers from obesity does run a higher risk at developing a number of health conditions. Therefore it is always best to check yourself using the obesity chart as a guideline to maintaining a healthy body weight.

All The Best! Take Care.
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