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Obesity Causes Gone To Far!

O*be*si*ty [oh-bee-si-tee]
The condition of being very fat or overweight;corpulence.

- Dictionary.com

Obesity Causes

"Obesity is most commonly caused by a combination of excessive food energy intake, lack of physical activity, and genetic susceptibility, although a few cases are caused primarily by genes, endocrine disorders, medications or psychiatric illness.

Evidence to support the view that some obese people eat little yet gain weight due to a slow metabolism is limited; on average obese people have a greater energy expenditure than their thin counterparts due to the energy required to maintain an increased body mass"

 Wikipedia.com

With the onset of this obesity crisis in the United States, I keep seeing blurbs pop up "everywhere" stating some new scientific discovery revealing some new reason for the cause of obesity itself.

At first it was all interesting reading material about how science had begun to uncover factors related to obesity and it's causes because I thought, "great! Now people suffering from this condition will be able to find the help need to reach a healthy weight." But then more reasons started to appear, then even more, seemingly to increase in ridiculousness each time I read a new article.

You Decide If The American Culture Has Gone To Far With Obesity?

I know what my opinion is based on the information I read each day but your entitled to your own opinion, so you be the judge. Has this obesity crisis thing gone to far?

Here's a collection of reasons ALL said to cause obesity. Each one found scattered online and many from very reputable sources. You be the judge, take a look and then in your own opinion decide if America has officially gone to far.

The Many Reasons That Cause Obesity

A Virus- Yes you heard me correctly, a virus as posted by CBS News is said to now cause obesity

You Can Catch Obesity From Somebody Else! This cause of obesity is brought to you by The Huffington Post

Low Intelligence- Being less then smart now seems to cause obesity, Another CBS News Special you can visit to see for yourself at CBS News if you like.

Sugar- Sugar being a part of human civilization for centuries causes obesity. What I can't understand is that prior to the last 20-30 years or so, I don't remember sugar fanatics being overweight. Grandpa for an example used to eat Grandma's homemade sugar covered doughnuts fried in oil almost daily but was skinny as a rail.

Air Conditioning- Yup you guessed it, thank you CBS for yet another educational article about what causes obesity. Millions of Americans will be sure not to use their air conditioning this summer and I hope for their sake they stay hydrated to avoid heat stroke.

Artificial Sweetener- Is the calorie free version of sugar and will cause you to become overweight but Steevia is supposedly ok and wont make you obese. Umm ok? I guess.

Decreased Smoking- OK, let me interject on this one, It's not the decreased smoking that causes you to gain weight or cause obesity. Decreased smoking leads to boredom, then boredom leads to snacking which is a lack of personal self control.

The end result is you eat because your used to having something in your mouth from habit. If you would like to dispute this, you are entitled to but I'm a smoker, I know how this works.

Defective Mutated Protein In The Body- Wow sounds like something off of the movie Alien! I hope we don't turn into fat extraterrestrials if our bodies keep mutating. LOL

Bigger Plates- Now I'm not a complete skeptic. I understand the logic to this one, however is it the bigger plates causing obesity or is it maybe a lack of ones self control to refrain from eating an overflowing portion size? I will let you decide on this one.

Pesticides, Herbicides and Fungicides- These are typically the sprays that vegetables will be sprayed with to keep pests off of the food we buy in the grocery store.

Plastic Storage Containers- This would also include metal drinking cans as well.

Genetically Modified Foods- OK I'm not a complete skeptic, putting genetically modified anything into the human body probably isn't the most natural or healthy thing to do.

Chemicals Found In Food- This is another one that is more on the logical side since I don't remember reading anything about the world ever delivering us sustenance in the form of chemically injected apples or anything else for example.

Having Less Money- People with a wealthier life are less prone to being in the obesity bracket then those of their poorer counterparts.

The Age Of Your Mother- If your mother was older when she gave birth to you, you are likely to become a part of the obesity epidemic.

Pollution- The pollutants found in the air we breath could be causing obesity.

Summing Obesity Up

Now I would classify we humans to be highly intelligent creatures but have we become so intelligent that we've completely over-dissected a problem that's solution has been sitting right in front of us the whole time?

This is where you decide if this obesity crisis and all the apparent causes surrounding it have possibly gone too far. Yes some people have come up with some very logical possible causes for the problem such as sedimentary lifestyle and improper eating, But air conditioners? Come on!

I'm actually a bit disappointed with the level of quality from CBS news surrounding obesity as of late. Let it be known that this is just personal opinion and your allowed to disagree with me if you wish.

This article is also in no way intended to make fun of persons being overweight because it really is a serious problem individuals sadly live with each day. Personally it almost looks as though our nations people have been the ones making a mockery of the situation just by looking at some of these causes listed above.

Obesity is a problem, we all know that but it would be nice if one day there were less millions of dollars spent dissecting low intelligence and air conditioners as causes to blame for obesity and see that money re-directed into more relevant programs that could actually help the people! Maybe aimed at encouraging us all to get off our couches to live more active lives and eat more nutritiously. Just saying!

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