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Her Diet Became a Hit: She Lost 55 Pounds in 100 days

Sophie King, a 26-year-old teacher and blogger, has become an Internet star after announcing a diet which helped her lose 55 pounds in only 3 months.


At one point Sophie weighed 194 pounds, and after getting really sick a few times, she figured out a 100-day-plan for losing weight.

Amazingly, there’s nothing revolutionary, but the diet excludes all supplements and pills, and it’s focused on balanced meals.

Sophie has recently published her diet diary in her blog, which attracted over 10,000 followers.


After exactly 100 days, Sophie took her clothes off and photographed the results.

“At the age of 17 I broke my ankle, which is why I stopped playing sports. Then I started getting fat, and when I went to university I became an incredibly unhealthy person. That was the moment I decided to change my life”, says Sophie.

“A lot of things have changed in 100 days, and I wanted to share my experience with others and help them do the same.”

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