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Info Regarding The Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty as it is officially known, is a cosmetic surgery that is done in order to make a person’s abdomen more firm. The procedure is accomplished by removing any excess fat and skin from a certain area and then tightening the leftover muscles. Tummy tucks are some of the most commonly preformed cosmetic procedures and are especially popular among overweight and recently pregnant individuals.

The length of these kinds of surgeries typically depend on the person’s size and desired body type. Complete tummy tucks can usually last up to six hours and involve big scars and more cellulite being removed. Partial tucks do not take nearly as long, generally no more than a couple of hours, and require drastically smaller scars and far less fat being removed.

No matter what kind of operation was performed, the resulting incision is typically five to nine inches long and is closed up a specific way so that it’s less noticeable when it finally heals. Most abdominoplasties require the doctor to cut the belly button up down the center but the area is repaired after the surgery’s completion.

Despite being performed for cosmetic reasons, this procedure is still an especially invasive one and recovery typically takes one to four weeks. During this time, lifting heavy objects and resuming your regular workout regimen are heavily discouraged.

Ice packs and abdominal support garments can be utilized to combat the large bruises and swelling that is to be expected at the site as well.

Just as with any other operation that necessitates the usage of general anesthesia, there are severe risks when getting a tuck. The most serious side effects of abdominoplasties include blood clots, the accumulation of fluids, heart complications, and staph infections. The majority of the operation’s side effects are preventable as long as you stick to the post-surgery instructions your surgeon gave you.

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