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Simple exercises to get a six pack

The objective of this guide is to give you a series of basic exercises so you can get a six pack. Use these exercises combined with a solid nutritional plan and all round body workout routine to provide you with strength and greater definition in your abdominal area.

There’s a single exercise to work each primary muscle group in your stomach, the upper abs, the lower abs, and the obliques (the abdominal area to the side of your stomach). Exercising the abdominal muscles like this will give you the greatest results as no part of your midsection is left out. If you feel that you are especially strong in one area of your stomach, but weaker in others, you could increase the intensity, or duration of one of the exercises to even out and strengthen the areas which you want to work on. So with that being said, let’s begin our three simple exercises to obtain a six pack.

Upper abs – Crunches – Knees bent and spread

Start off by lying on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands in a position of your choice. Spread your legs wide so that they are open. Move by using your upper abs to lift your shoulder blades off the floor in a forward curling motion. Feel the contraction in your stomach and hold for a second. Lower you shoulders back to the starting position lightly touching the floor. Repeat for a set of 8 to 12.

Lower abs – Bent leg hip raises

Lie on the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Place your hands in a position of your choice. Lift your chin up toward your chest. Hold your feet together and move by working with your lower abs to raise your hips off the floor, bringing your knees toward your forehead. At the top of the movement your feet needs to be over your head. Hold the contraction for the moment, and then lower your legs back down so that your feet touch the floor. Repeat for a set of 8 to 12.

Obliques – Side bend

Assume a semi squat position with a wide stance, feet pointed out and hands behind your ears. From this position bend into your side, bringing your right elbow to your right knee (don’t raise your knee to your elbow, just move your sides) Repeat movement for a set, then exchange sides. Each side ought to be 8 to 12 reps. Hold a contraction for a moment at the peak of the movement focusing on your obliques the entire time

And there you have it 3 simple exercises to get a six pack. Depending on your own fitness level decrease or increase the intensity as necessary. Soon after doing these your abdominals should feel fairly sore. An excellent thing to do after a couple of weeks is to change up your exercises so that the same muscles will be worked at from a different angle, forcing them to change. Just performing the same thing over and over again does not provide you with any actual benefits, but rather will lead you to frustration and a decrease in motivation.

You may have asked yourself what is the easiest way to get a six pack – well, truth be told, there is no secret, but with an efficient system of exercise and nutrition you will be able to obtain one quickly and without wasted effort. If you are looking for more exercises like this and a free guide to get ripped abs head over to http://easiestwaytogetasixpack.org where you will discover exactly what you need to do to get that great looking midsection.

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