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The 5 Dangers Of Rapid Weight Loss

Contrary to what you may believe, rapid weight loss can in fact sometimes prove to be dangerous, irrespective of what the advertisements promise. The bottom line is; unhealthy dieting is potentially dangerous.

Of course, for many people, rapid weight loss sounds like a dream come true but care should be taken in order to avoid losing weight to quickly. In fact, it's far better to take a slower, healthier approach, which in turn will help you to avoid some of the harmful risks associated with quick weight loss.


The vast majority of people who are interested in weight loss are already familiar with the fact that metabolism is directly linked to weight loss, and that a fast metabolism results in fast weight loss. Unfortunately however, many people fail to realize that if they cut back on their calorie intake to severely, it can actually result in their metabolism slowing down, thus slowing down the weight loss process.

Essentially, when you suddenly reduce your calories drastically, your body tends to go into a "protection mode" by slowing down its metabolism. This in turn results in you having insufficient energy for your body to function as it should. Ideally, you should aim to cut back your calorie intake in moderation while at the same time increasing the amount of physical exercise you do.

Dietary Supplements

The undeniable truth is that a large percentage of the rapid weight loss products available on the market nowadays simply don't live up to their claims. In fact, many of them simply focus on reducing the amount of water in your body, and that is something that would happen in any case. Another aspect to watch out for is that many of these products contain various stimulants such as ginseng, and as you more than likely already know, taking too many stimulants can increase the risk of heart failure, particularly when they are combined with caffeine intake.


Let's face it; what's the point of rapid weight loss if it means that you're going to see your skin drooping, because after all, it's certainly not a pretty picture. Basically, when you lose weight too rapidly, your skin isn't given sufficient time to regain its shape and tone. When this happens, you're left with sagging folds of skin where fat originally was. By opting for a slower approach, you're essentially allowing the elasticity of your skin to go to work in reducing any potential sagging. This will also allow you time to further tone your skin in order to keep sagging minimal.

Regaining Weight

The worst thing of all for those trying to lose weight is that if you adopt one of the rapid weight loss methods, you'll stand more chance of regaining all the weight you've lost.... including some interest. This is essentially because the methods used for rapid weight loss are usually too severe to be persevered for any length of time. As such, the time comes when you simply cannot carry on and you end up reverting back to your old habits and this results in you putting all that weight back on again. Instead, you should be looking to make an overall change to your current lifestyle, by eating healthier, exercising more frequently, and perhaps even going as far as joining a boot camp program.

Eating Disorders

This is perhaps one of the most dangerous aspects of rapid weight loss, in that you stand the chance of developing one of many eating disorders. This is essentially because if you're desperate enough to embark on a rapid weight loss program, you're more likely to be tempted into trying things such as starving yourself, or depriving yourself of meals. In fact, many people who go down this road, even end up making use of laxatives and other products in order to purge the body of food they've eaten. Admittedly, this could see you losing weight, but you need to ask yourself whether or not it's so important that you're willing to put your health and overall well being at risk.
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