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Dr. Oz Weight Loss Guest Expert Joel Fuhrman About Weight Watchers

A recent episode of The Dr. Oz Show featured weight loss guest expert Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Dr. Fuhrman has appeared repeatedly on The Dr. Oz Show with the message of how his weight loss program produces superior and healthier results in comparison to commercial weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers.

Like Dr. Fuhrman, representatives of Watch Watchers are also repeatedly featured on the Dr. Oz Show with info and tips on how to lose weight through their program by buying and/or creating food choices/substitutions graded on a point system that allows a dieter to eat without desire deprivation. In other words, abstinence of chocolates and other desserts is not necessary as long as a dieter chooses low-cal versions and sticks to the point system’s daily calorie count.

Last year, U.S. News and World Report announced that Weight Watchers ranks No. 1 among all other commercial diet programs for both short-term and long-term weight loss. It’s growing popularity and increasing membership attests to the fact that dieters believe in what Weight Watchers has to offer. However, some clever celebrity marketing featuring Jennifer Hudson, Charles Barkley and Jessica Simpson may contribute to its rise in popularity as well. In addition, weight Watchers features online advertisements on The Dr. Oz Show website, which adds significantly to its presence.

The primary problem Dr. Fuhrman sees with commercial weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers where calorie counting is the primary strategy toward losing weight is that these programs continue to foster eating a toxic diet that does nothing to eliminate the craving to eat more than people should. In fact,on a previous episode of The Dr. Oz Show and on his website he points out that these diets actually cause people to eat more of the wrong types of foods.

On The Dr. Oz Show, Dr. Fuhrman discusses his idea of what a food pyramid should look like—and not just for dieters, but non-dieters as well when making food decisions that can not only result in weight loss, but could remove people’s dependency on prescription medications. A healthier body achieved with weight loss is his message about his healthy eating weight loss program.

In his pyramid, the base consists of a diet that is primarily micronutrient-dense vegetables. The next layer up consists of fruits, beans/legumes with the third layer made up of whole grains, nuts and seeds. As the pyramid grows progressively higher, the food percentage progressively decreases with fish and fat-free dairy followed by a smaller amount of poultry, eggs and oils. Beef, sweets, cheese and milk products occupy only a small portion at the very top of the pyramid.

Dr. Fuhrman’s food pyramid is a guide for people to encourage and remind them that a healthy diet has to be one that involves eating relatively large amounts of vegetables, beans and fruits that are nutrient-packed as opposed to being focused on foods based on their calorie count.

On his website, Dr. Fuhrman talks about commercial diets like Weight Watchers that are based on “fake” low-nutrient processed foods that appeal to mainstream dieters who want to lose weight but without feeling they have to give up the foods they like. While eating such processed diet foods/meals that are low-calorie will lead to weight loss, the dieter needs to understand that those calories are nutritionally poor—and that is why many diets fail.

Nutrient packed foods he believes are the answer to not only providing your nutrient-starved body with what it needs the most, but in turn will also help dieters lose their “toxic hunger” and cravings that are the reason why so many other commercial diets fail that are based on low-calorie meals.

Dr. Fuhrman describes toxic hunger as the symptoms of abdominal spasms, stomach discomfort, headaches, and weakness that drives people to eat for relief because their body is suffering from nutritional deprivation due to a nutritionally inadequate diet. He believes that once the body is having its nutritional needs met, that the toxic hunger will dissipate as your body realizes “true hunger” that subsequently leads to eating only as much healthy food as you will want—without any deprivation.

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