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How To Build A Wind Turbine - Step By Step -

Now this is a complicated questions, building something by reading this text will be difficult, but I will do my best to answer the question. Now when you set out to build something you have accepted the fact that you have to spend money to acquire the guides, the materials etc. But how much are you willing to spend to answer the question how to build a wind turbine Some places will tell you that you have to spend thousands, while other will say that it can be done for under 200 dollars. So you first need to decide which route you want to go.

You can learn how to build a wind turbine using simple blades or, for smaller projects, wide PVC pipe. Any wind turbine that creates more than 1100 watts is recommended to upgrade to larger blades. All of this is outlined in the wind turbine plans, along with how to get most of the parts for nearly free, which is all covered in guides available through the internet..

So the sake of time, I will assume you choose to go the cheap route. So what do you need. First you need blades this is what attaches to the motor, and then when wind is applied to them they produce the electricity you are after. Next you need a tower or mount, this is what is going to hold your wind turbine up. Next you need a deep cycle battery, now it has to be a deep cycle because they hold charges better and because of the way and amount of electricity deep cycle just works better.

The last thing that you need and is probably the most expensive is the dc motor. Now in the guide that I have its covered where to go, and how to get this part for almost free, but one example is some wrecking yards, or yard maintenance places sometimes have these things just sitting around.

Now that you have all the parts, you have to assemble it, because of the limitations of this article I can not illustrate how to assemble the wind turbine, but hopefully this guide started to answer the question how to build a wind turbine. I know that the first project can be hard, but after that it gets easier, and now I am off the grid and actually getting checks from the electric company. Its a good feeling, knowing that I am not writing them checks anymore.

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