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Lose Body Fat at an Alarming Rate With Interval Training

Losing body fat is tough at times, but it doesn't have to be. The widely popular steady state cardio typically only works for a short while, then people get stuck at a certain body fat percentage. If you want to burn off as much stubborn body fat as desired, then interval training is the answer.

Interval Training Creates a Large Calorie Deficit

Although it seems logical to use traditional cardio, there are problems. With traditional "target heart rate" cardio you typically only burn calories when you are engaged in the workout. With interval training you are boosting your metabolism for many hours after the workout. It has been shown that interval training can burn up to 6 times the calories compared to traditional cardio. I suggest choosing interval training to drop body fat at much quicker rate than traditional aerobic exercise.

Want to stay below 10 percent body fat and see your abs year round? Here is a great interval training workout that works extremely well.

1) Find your favorite piece of cardio equipment

2) Walk or ride at a Steady State Cardio Pace for 1.5 minutes

3) Speed up the machine so you are up to a slow jog

4) After 30 seconds back down to the slower pace you began at. Keep it at that level for one-and-a-half minutes like before

5) After one-and-a-half minutes at moderate, you are going to hit the intense level for 30 seconds again. This time you want it to be even more intense than the first 30 second bout.

6) You are going to repeat this cycle of intense and moderate for at least 20 minutes

Some things to look for...you will want to make sure that you are a bit short of breath and sweating when the workout is done. If you are breathing normal or aren't sweating, then you won't get the full benefits of interval training. You can't make up for a lack of intensity by training longer, you really need to tough it out for this to work well. Interval training isn't the easiest way to workout, but it is the most effective for getting rid of stubborn body fat.
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