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Rapid Fat Loss - 3 Best & Right Ways For Rapid Fat Loss

We cannot deny that we live in a world where vanity strikes and the looks seem to be a priority over other human needs and wants. For sure, rapid fat loss is always one of the priorities. In this day and age of sound bites and buzz words, of shifting paradigms and changing impressions over everything from fashion to weight loss, personal beliefs about health and being healthy are also changing. Some wants to patiently lose weight, and others are too impatient about it, they want it everything to be fast. When you want a rapid weight loss, do you ever think as to what extent can the strategies lead you?

Why does everyone want to lose weight? This question has always been asked many times and answers are gathered such as:she wants to surprise her guy, she will attend an upcoming friend's wedding, she wants to wear two-piece swim wear that fits well to her, she wants to be attractive and an eye catcher, she will attend a class reunion, and she wants to be less problematic with what clothes to wear.Okay, here’s the catch: looking good is essential. No one can argue with that; nobody wants to be left out, so it’s not bad at all. Everybody tries to fit in the world of beauty, from having flawless skin to a skinny and sexy body. If confidence and self esteem are two things to be uplifted when losing weight, it's not that bad at all. On the other note, when the reason of losing weight fast is just about getting bored with diet and exercise, then it will never be healthy.

Losing weight is not the same for all, what may be applied to her, may not be applied to you. You see, some people want to get rid of their body fats the natural way possible, and there are those who want to get rid of it immediately without minding if it's natural or not.

Even if you are so much eager to maintain a healthy lifestyle, sometimes, your workload and personal priorities can stop you to do the natural way of losing weight.But, people should always be mindful that to be healthy means to work hard, to work up a sweat and NO PAIN, NO GAIN.

More over, impatience is highly discouraged on the process of losing weight to prevent shifting into a fast way of losing weight that are unhealthy and questionable effectiveness.

Let's learn now some strategies for rapid fat loss:

When you see such word, the first thing that comes in mind is the vision of a belly with a word, DON'T FEED. Crash diet is an extreme cutting down of foods and calories, as in 800-1,200 less calories daily. In short, you are allowing your body to go on a starvation mode. Yes, it can help you lose weight, but look first on the negative effects that it may caused you:

• It can give you a plateau weight.
• Even if you look so thin or fit, fats are still evident and your body may look so saggy.
• You can become overly hungry and at some point, you can't help but eat more and so you lose nothing.
• Weight rebound can happen especially when diet is immediately ended and normal eating pattern starts again.
• When you are a sporty person, your strength and performance will slow down, making you a lousy player.
• Due to extreme calorie restriction, vitamin deficiencies and malnutrition can happen.
• You can also experience fainting.
• Because of lack of calcium from foods, bones will become brittle causing back pain.
• Your mood will change.

Since there are people who want to lose weight, aside from crash dieting, rigid exercises are also done which are unhealthy and ineffective. Combining cardio, strength and resistance trainings are good but usually for persons who want to hit the desired goal for a short period of time, over exercising is usually done by combining the 3 trainings and the duration, sets and frequency of those are forces even if the body is too weak. Even if the normal days of exercises is within 3-5 days weekly, people tend to go beyond the normal limit which is very exhausting.As being said, it is not healthy anymore especially if you are just a beginner and you do it so strictly combining with crash diet, aside from the bad effects you get from crash dieting, rigid exercise can give you muscle trauma, tension and injury.

• Set realistic goals; ideally, 1-2 pounds weekly is the safest weight loss weekly.
• Aside from your strength and resistance trainings, add cardio session 30 minutes daily (3-5 times weekly). Usually, do it alternately, for this day cardio and the next say, resistance and strength training. Do each exercise for 30-45 minutes, 3-5 days weekly. The remaining 2 days are intended for your rest.
• For a nutritious diet, a food pyramid is surely a guide: consume fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products and water.
• Have some support from your family and friends; the more you are supported, the better the desired result is.
• Outweigh the risk and benefits of rapid fat loss. Choose the healthiest and safest!

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