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Best Way to Burn Fat

Best Way to Burn Fat. Society has instilled in us deeply that beauty lies in being thin. This has driven many men and women into crazy and fad diets that have led them to become weak and fatigued, looking gaunt and tired instead of looking good. A person needs to lose weight to get in shape and stay fit. The essence of being slim is being healthy at the same time.

Many diets have mushroomed that dictate that a particular type of food should be avoided in order to stay in shape. This works for a short duration while rapid weight loss is seen. However, in the long run, these diets do not last and most often, the weight is regained and they are proven not to be the best way to burn fat. These diets are also unhealthy as they do not follow a balanced diet and would result in weakness as each and every type of food is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle

Most diets do not allow certain fatty foods like ice creams, pizza etc. These restrictions will create urges and cravings for these treats that would result in binges and uncontrolled eating that would again wreck the whole diet regimen.

Some diets follow a set pattern that results in the body getting used to the diet followed and the fat burning stops or reaches a plateau. Further weight loss will get difficult and the person is forced to abandon the process.

A successful and healthy weight loss diet should include the following criteria and would thus be the best way to burn fat
• The diet should accommodate all kinds of food. Different foods provide a different set of nutrition that is required by the body. Avoiding a particular set would result in depriving the body of that particular type of nutrition.
• Treats such as desserts and pizza should be allowed occasionally. This would avoid cravings and cheating while following the diet program
• A set pattern should not be followed
• Variety and change should be allowed that would keep the metabolic rate of the dieter active. When the metabolic rate is up, there is more fat loss.
• Food plans if provided will aid immensely in following the diet program

Apart from dieting and following strict regulations as far as eating goes, the dieter should also follow a strict exercise regimen.
Exercise is required for
• Muscle building
• Toning
• Improving the shape of the person. Dieting will merely help lose fat. However exercise is required for shaping the body and losing weight wherever required.

The best way to burn fat would be a combination of following a nutritious diet coupled with exercise. The Every Other Day Diet program is a very healthy plan and incorporates both a nutritious meal along with good exercise.

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