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3 Proven Secrets To Help You Lose Belly Fat

     Any human body has the capability to be slim, fit, and muscular, despite age or gender. Why is it then that so many people are overweight with excess amounts of belly fat?

The main answer is that we waste time on faddy diets and exercises that don't work. In fact some of these methods may actually help to increase your weight! It's time to stop making excuses of why you can't lose that stubborn belly fat and finally do something to rid yourself of those extra pounds. Here are 3 proven ways to help you achieve a slim, toned belly.

1.) Watch your diet! It won't mean living on grapefruit and plain grilled chicken for the rest of your days, but instead being conscious of what you put in your body. Do you drink lots of diet soda believing to be much healthier than regular soda? Do you make the common mistake of not drinking enough plain water? Do you buy fat free or ready meals aimed at dieters?

A great number of these foods are highly processed containing white flour or white rice. Foods which are sold as "fat free" often contain harmful chemicals that replace fats and cholesterol. These chemicals may stop some of the nutrients from being absorbed into your body, and make losing weight harder. Drinking lots of water helps to keep the metabolism working properly.

You should think of your body as a car. You wouldn't run your car on low grade petrol and expect peak performance. The same should apply to your body. Stop drinking diet coke and soda, and replace them with water. Buy sparkling water to make it more appetising.

Replace processed foods with natural foods as much as possible. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fresh fish, and lean unprocessed meats.

2.) Give up low intensity cardio. If you have spent hours on the treadmill or elliptical machine and seen very little reduction in belly fat after months of workouts then you need to switch to interval training. It has been scientifically proven to burn more fat in shorter workout sessions.

This means alternating short bursts of intense training with moderate exercise. You could for example run as fast as you can for two minutes, then slow down for another two minutes, then run fast again. You may only need about twenty minutes of interval training to burn as many calories as a longer and slower cardio workout session. You may find that you lose belly fat much quicker doing this type of exercise

3.) Don't be afraid of using weights. Many woman shy away from lifting heavy weights thinking that they will build large bulky muscles. This won't happen unless they are taking body building supplements, as women don't have enough natural testosterone to build this type of muscle.

By combining a healthy balanced diet with regular sessions of interval training and lifting weights, you will soon have a slender toned body and lose that stubborn belly fat.It does take perseverance and patience to shed weight and some find it helpful to join a local slimming club for support

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