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Is There Anything I Can Eat That Wont Make Me Fat?

     A fitness and weight loss diet sounds really good, but unfortunately when it comes to losing weight, no magic formula exists. However, there are some good facts to learn that can point you in the right direction. One of these facts is this, that 'protein' is the closest thing to that magic formula as you can get. If there was every anything magical in the quest for weight loss and a diet to help you there, it's the 'protein'.

Protein happens to be the original diet food. Can any of you remember the diet plate from the old fashioned diners years ago? It had a hamburger patty with a salad. The salad wasn't the diet part, it was the hamburger patty. In order to understand why protein works in regards to weight loss, you have to know a bit about protein. Is' made up of small building blocks which are called 'amino acids'.

Any time your body takes in protein, it will break it down into amino acids. These will then be sent throughout your body, because EVERY cell you have needs amino acids. When the amino acids reach their destination, which is the cells, they get put back together. They are used to make muscle, and your body is full of muscle. That's how you get your arm muscles and abdominals. And when these muscles burn up calories, the you lose weight. So exercise is key.

You also have muscle in the heart and in your arteries. Taking in extra protein helps to make these muscles strong and prevent heart attacks and strokes. Protein is also used to make the anti-bodies that fight off infection. So you can see how vitally important protein is to having a lean and healthy body. Lean and healthy bodies are strong and beautiful.

The benefits of proteins go even beyond what we've already said. What if we eat too many proteins? Will that turn into fat? Not hardly. Your body just can't hardly make fat out of protein. It takes a lot of energy to break down the amino acids and make them into fat. And this will mean burning calories, which causes you to lose weight. See the predicament?

And believe it or not, there is yet another benefit from protein when you're trying to lose weight. And this is in the effect it has on your metabolism. If you have a fast metabolism, your body burns calories very quickly. A slow metabolism does it slower. A slow metabolism tends to allow for more weight gain than the fast one.

This effect on your metabolism has been know to scientists for a long time. They call it the 'specific dynamic action' of protein. This comes from a Greek word that pretty much means 'powerful'. It has action, it's dynamic, it has energy, and it moves. Protein is the dynamic in your body. It causes the body to speed up.

When you eat protein your metabolism will speed up for a while. The body will produce more heat as it burns more calories. Like stoking the fire of an old steam locomotive. Your body doesn't act this way with fat and carbohydrates, only with protein. This action is specific for protein.

The body know just what to do with what you put into it. It know to take these proteins and build strong bones and muscles, as well as nerves. It knows when the proteins arrive, that it's time to get busy, and that it has fuel to accomplish its goals. The proteins you take in should be lean, and it doesn't take that much. About a couple of ounces are plenty, and a replenishment every few hours is good.

Protein play a key role in weight loss and fitness. Your success can be determined by how much you know and understand about proteins. So do some research on your own, and learn about these miracle workers that are so vital to your overall health and happiness.

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