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BodyGem RMR Personalized Weight Management Program

     A BodyGem RMR measurement will tell you the number of calories you burn at rest, which can account for 65-75% of your daily calorie total.

It's all about the calories: weight management depends on being in control of the amount of food (calories) you eat every day. So how do you precisely determine how many calories that is?

Stop guessing and personalize your plan with the missing link - An accurate measurement of your Resting Metabolic Rate, which can be measured with a BodyGem indirect calorimetry device.

Your RMR or Basal Metabolic Rate is the number of calories your body burns every day with little or no movement, and accounts for the greater part of total calories your body burns.

An accurate BodyGem measurement will help you control your weight, and you will know the precise number of calories you can consume each day to effectively achieve your goal.

Is my Metabolic Rate BAD or GOOD?

Unlike other health assessments (cholesterol or blood pressure for example), there's no such thing as a bad or good, high or low metabolic rate. It is, however, specific to you.

Two similar people can have the same exercise and diet routine and the results can differ dramatically. That's why it is crucial to have your Metabolic Rate measured.

Your Resting Metabolic Rate makes up the majority of calories your body burns each day. An accurate BodyGem measurement gives you the missing data that will place you in control of managing your weight.

How can I adjust my Metabolic Rate?

Two of the largest determinants of your Metabolic Fingerprint are your body composition and weight (muscle weight vs. fat weight).

When your weight decreases, it is probable that your metabolic rate will decrease too. This is a normal response to the body's weight loss and reduced calorie needs to sustain it.

On the other hand, the amount of lean muscle mass you have, or body compsition, impacts your metabolic rate too.

It's possible to increase your metabolic rate by adding lean muscle mass, which requires additional calories to support your body. Keep in mind, building lean muscle mass requires intense strength training.

Cardiovascular exercise consumes calories during the exercise session, but won't influence changes in metabolic rate. Both types of exercise are important to successfully managing your weight.

Which diet plan should I follow?

The kind of diet plan you select should be based on your needs, preferences and advice of your doctor or nutrition counselor.

Once you select the plan that is right for you, it's simply a matter of matching your daily calorie consumption to your personal calorie budget.

Can I boost the daily number of calories I can eat by exercising?

Physical activity is an significant factor in reaching weight goals, maintaining weight and is beneficial to total health and fitness.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on most days of the week.

Whether you do an intense workout at the gym, or take an extra walk around the block every activity burns additional calories. You can elect whether to take in additional calories to compensate for those burned or whether to let the additional burned calories contribute toward quicker weight loss.

Should I have my Metabolic Fingerprint measured all over again?

Talk with your health or fitness professional about your personalized plan, and determine the date for a re-measurement appointment.

Since your metabolism will vary as you increase muscle mass or lose weight, it is essential to re-measure to prevent those frustrating plateaus.

As your body sheds pounds, it requires fewer calories to support itself, so schedule your later measurements to stay on track.

After you reach your weight goal, you should get a final Body Gem measurement so you know the number of calories you should eat to maintain your new weight.

Keep in mind, the keys to successful weight management is to personalize your daily plan, and then stick to it. Follow these simple steps, and you will be on your way to reaching your goal.

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