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Golden Rules For a Successful Diet

     Diet after diet and your weight is not decreasing? Is the problem in the diet or in the way you execute the diet plan? How can you successfully lose weight?

If you want to succeed with losing some extra weight you should not only eat what is in the diet plan but also change the way you consume the food. Here are some golden rules that you MUST obey if you want to succeed.

1. Never eat while standing or walking.

2. Eat slowly like every bite could be your last. It is proven that your brain is the last to realize that you are full, meaning that even if you think you are still hungry (because your stomach tells you that you are), this is not necessarily true. You need around 10 minutes until the stomach sends signals to your brain to let it know that you are actually full.

3. The food you eat should not be too salty, spicy or sour. It must have a delicious and pleasant taste.

4. It is always better that you take a few bites while still preparing your meal at home. You will realize that once the food is ready and you sit down to eat, you won't be that hungry anymore. Even if you are still hungry you will be satisfied with smaller quantity because you already have had already a few bites.

5. Always have a big breakfast and never eat right before you go to bed. If you eat right before you go to sleep you might not be able to fall asleep for a long time. You would feel tired and restless, and would accumulate a lot of fat from the food you have just eaten.

6. If you are one of these people who can eat only fruits for breakfast without staying hungry afterward, try to have a grapefruit. The grapefruit is rich in vitamins and its acidity helps your body to separate toxins in the urine.

7. If you start feeling very hungry right before lunch time you should have a peach, an apricot, or another fruit that contains a nut in the middle. After you are done eating the fruit, hold the nut for a while in your mouth. You would be surprised at how this can really reduce your hunger.

8. Before you go shopping ALWAYS make a list with all the low calorie types of food that you need and stick to that list while shopping.

9. Drink your coffee without sugar or sweeteners and always have an apple or drink a glass of water right after.

10. During your meal do not be distracted. Your focus should be entirely on the meal. If you get distracted by reading a newspaper/magazine or watching TV you would find yourself eating much more food than you actually need.

11. Always use olive oil instead of regular oil for your salad.

12. Usually when you are bored and do not have anything to do you would find yourself opening the fridge very often. Try to always find something to do so that you distract yourself and do not think that much about what you could eat next.

13. From time to time look at yourself in the mirror and make sure that your efforts are not in vain. Set realistic goals for yourself and always reward yourself if you see that you are achieving your goals. However, NEVER reward yourself with food.

14. Start using smaller plates while eating. It is a very good psychological trick that fools your mind.

15. Learn to wash your teeth after every meal. This is a signal that the meal is over and you should not be consuming additional (unnecessarily) food.

16. Remember that muscles weight more than fat. If you tend to go to the gym often then your weight might have increased because you have gained more muscles. However, you would definitely look much better.

17. When you are at home always hide the food you love the most somewhere where you cannot directly see it. This will help you not to think about it every second.

Keep all these rules in mind and you will go far.

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