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Words Create An Attitude

     Words do create an attitude how often have you used the term, my weight? You may have made the comments like these:
When I lose my weight, My weight does not let me,
I can not because of my weight.
Do you see a common thread throughout these statements? Can you make an educated guess at how many times you have said one of them or something similar?
you probably already noticed the negative affirmations when, does not, can not, Read them again more carefully. Do you see the other critical factor in each statement?

Each of those statements reaffirms that you own your weight. Therefore, each time you make that comment not only are you reaffirming your current weight, you are pronouncing to the world that you are not willing to let go.

Using a personal pronoun is powerful stuff, because not only are you claiming ownership, you are training your subconscious mind to believe that you can not let go.

Starting today right now this very minute, make a conscious decision that you no longer accept ownership of excess weight. You are not what you weigh. You are a unique human being and entitled to all the gifts that this life has to offer.

Above all, take action. If you have become a slave of procrastination, decide to rid your life of it once and for all. Yes, you can create affirmations to help you there as well. "I have the attitude and skills to take action today." "I am winning in my life by turning my attitude into action."
Do nothing and nothing gets done. Do something and many things are placed in motion. Regardless of what you are doing in life, you need to take action. Do something every day to put your plan in motion.

How is your attitude? What are your first thoughts when you awake in the morning? You have got quite a lot to choose from. Do you begin the day by dragging out of bed bemoaning the fact that you have to get to work? Or, do you embrace the morning as another great opportunity to do great things?
Put the universal law of reciprocity to work in your life every single day.

The most important tool in your weight loss program does not include diet or exercise.
There is no special equipment you need to purchase. You do not need to join a gym or health club. And, you already have every component you need to put this tool to work for you and begin a successful weight loss program. What is it? It is your mind. Having said that, let get started Now!

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