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Melt Your Body Fat With These Natural Juices!

If you have some flabby parts you’d rather do without, we have some ideas that may help you out a little.

Along with your workouts, you might want to try these juices. Juices are easily digested and absorbed and can be helpful in weight loss. I don’t know the science behind it but it can’t hurt, right?

Here are some of the best as explained by boldsky:

Peach Juice: Peach contains less calories and no fat. If you regularly drink peach juice, you will lose significant amounts of weight within a month of its consumption.

Cabbage Juice: It aids in weight loss as it is rich in tartaric acid which prevents the conversion of sugar into fat in the body. Cabbage is also rich in vitamin C and A and is good for your heart too.

Parsley Juice: This juice is rich in many antioxidants that helps your body to remove poisonous substances. It is also rich in vitamin C and A. Parsley juice has been found to be very effective in cutting down fat in your body.

Honey And Lemon Juice: To remove those fatty flabs on your belly, mix a glass of warm water with 4 tbsp of lemon juice and one tbsp of pure honey. Drink this every morning one hour before breakfast.

Jujube Leaves (Indian Plum) Juice: It is also called Jujube oil. This oil is rich in calcium, iron, vitamin A, C and B2. Soak jujube leaves in water and keep it overnight. Drink the water before having breakfast.

Lemon With Ginger Juice: Mix two tbsp of ginger juice with one tbsp of honey and three tbsp of lemon juice in a glass of warm water. Drink this in the evening before having dinner.

Carrot Juice: Carrot juice is not only good for your eye sight but is extremely good to cut down your body fat. Have this nutritious carrot juice daily to lose weight.


Cucumber Juice: Cucumber contains 90 percent of water which fills your tummy. Moreover cucumber breaks fat cells and removes excess body fluid. It also removes accumulated toxins from the body and is rich in many vitamins.


Apple Cider Vinegar: Mix two tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water. Drink it twice daily to melt the fat in your body.


Pretty diverse list! What appeals to you?


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