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21-Day Jumpstart Exercise Plan for Beginners

21-Day Jumpstart Exercise Plan for Beginners

Want to ease into working out, but not quite sure where to start? Try our 21-Day Jumpstart Exercise Plan! It is perfect for beginners and can help you make exercise a regular habit.

21-Day Jumpstart Exercise Plan for Beginners

Want to ease into working out, but not quite sure where to start? Try our 21-Day Jumpstart Exercise Plan! It is perfect for beginners and can help you make exercise a regular habit. 

This comprehensive plan will have you start to workout every major muscle group. It’s important to commit to doing the full 21 days. If you miss a day, repeat the day before to get back on track. Use rest days to make sure that you don’t overwork your muscles and potentially hurt yourself.

Our trainers recommend starting and finishing each day with a 5 minute walk; it’s also good to stretch before and after too. If you need to take a break in order to complete the full set—stop and drink some water—then complete the day’s workout. 

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