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Everything About Abdominoplasty Procedures Performed in India


Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a common surgical procedure to remove excess fat and achieve a flatter stomach. India is one of the popular destinations for this surgical treatment because of the experienced surgeons and low costs involved. The article talks about the abdominoplasty procedure and its types.


Abdominoplasty, also known as tummy tuck is a popular cosmetic procedure to achieve a flatter stomach. It is a major invasive surgery performed to remove excess fat and skin from the middle and lower abdomen.


India has several hospitals and clinics providing successful tummy tuck results to patients from the country and abroad. The team of experienced surgeons and low cost of the treatment at the hospitals attract people to undergo abdominoplasty in India.


Let’s find out more about the abdominoplasty surgery performed in the country.


The Purpose of Abdominoplasty


The surgical procedure removes excess folds of abdominal skin and helps in achieving a flatter stomach. It tightens the abdomen muscles, which adds to the firmer and flatter appearance.


When to Opt for the Surgery?


If you have excess folds of skin, which cannot be eliminated through diet & exercise, consider abdominoplasty. The loose folds could be the result of significant weight gain and loss, old age, or multiple pregnancies.


  • Patients undergoing the surgery should have ideal weight because the procedure is not an alternative for exercise & diet.

  • Women planning to have more children should postpone the plan of tummy tuck till delivery.

Types of Abdominoplasty


  • Liposuction is the simplest tummy tuck procedure, which is performed on patients with an already tight abdominal skin & muscles. The isolated fat deposits are extracted by making small incisions.

  • Limited abdominoplasty is for the patients with less degree of skin laxity and a small amount of excess skin in the lower abdomen. A small incision is made above pubic hairline to remove excess fat.

  • Complete abdominoplasty is a detailed surgical intervention that involves removal of fat as well as tightening of a major portion of the abdomen.

The Procedure in Complete Abdominoplasty


A major abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery in India may take two to five hours while a minor one will need an hour or two under general anaesthesia. Patients can be back two work in 2-4 weeks’ time.


The surgeon will make cuts into your abdomen. Belly button is also cut from the surrounding skin. The surgeon will then pull together torn or stretched muscles to stitch them back into place. If there’s an associated hernia, it is repaired and excess fat is also removed. The excess skin is pulled down and trimmed off.


The surgeon will then reposition the belly button to fit into the shape of the new tummy.


After Surgery


The patient might experience swelling and pain after surgery, which can be controlled by medication. The surface stitches are removed within a week and deeper sutures will be removed in 2-3 weeks’ time.


It might however take weeks or even months to fully recover from the surgery. Surgeons recommend low-impact exercise programs such as yoga as these help in faster healing, reducing muscles, lowering the chances of blood cloths, and toning the muscles. Patients are also advised to take plenty of rest and have a healthy diet for faster recovery.


The results of abdominoplasty are long lasting most of the times, provided the patient maintains a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise and healthy eating habits will lessen the recovery time and also lead to the faster removal of scars from the skin.

Author of the article is associated the Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, one of the renowned names for cosmetic surgery India. The clinic performs procedures like liposuction, rhinoplasty, dimple creation, gynecomastia, and other surgical procedures.

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