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The Healthy Eating Rules

Dieting is all about healthy eating, not to put yourself in a dieting prison. You need to learn how to change your eating habits permanently.

Keep a food diary. Write down what you eat – including the snacks. It`s also a good idea to write down when and where you eat. This will help you to identify the food and the occasions when you tend to overeat. This information is useful to help you decide what to cut out without feeling deprived.

Identify your must-have food. If you totally ban the must-haves you will soon have a downfall. Look at your diary and see how often you eat the food you can not live without. Work out ways to include it, but in smaller quantities.

Work on the principles of swaps. Continue to eat the things you love, but swap it to a smaller portion or a fat reduced product. Swap your chocolate bar for one square of the best quality dark chocolate.

Make cooking a priority again. Get back to eating unprocessed food, wholegrain bread, cheese, meat and vegetables.

* Rethink portions.
* Follow packet portion sizes.
* Use smaller plates.
* Only cook what you need. Leftovers tend to be eaten no matter how full you are!
* If leftovers – freeze immediately!
* Beware of restaurant portions – Choose two starters instead of a large main course.
* Always leave a gap before having dessert.

For recipes and more tips please visit www.houseofedna.no

Edna Solem is an article writer on a wide variety. She also runs the web store http://www.houseofedna.no where you can find perfect gifts for any occasion. You can also find glutenfree recipes, dinner recipes and hobby and home decor tips. Stop by http://www.houseofedna.no and have a look!

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