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Why Do People Want To Know Where To Find Original Hoodia Cactus?

The American Obesity Association calls obesity a “chronic disease” which is a “neglected public health problem”. Currently there are more than 120 million overweight adults in the United States. Is it really any wonder that lots of people want to know where to find original hoodia cactus. With reports by respected journalists first praising the plant for its appetite suppressing abilities and then saying that research is still underway and dieters will have to wait. That’s like dangling a carrot, or more appropriately a cupcake, in front of overweight Americans and then pulling it away. So, the overweight begin to search: first for where to find original cactus and then for natural certified hoodia. They search for natural certified hoodia, because information on the web advises them that not all hoodia products are the same.

Class action lawsuits have been brought against at least a couple of companies for selling something other than what their package claims they sell. The Federal Trade Commission investigates complaints of false or misleading advertising in the health supplement, as well as other industries. They advise consumers to beware of bogus weight loss claims and list seven claims that almost always signal that he or she is about to be ripped off. They are currently investigating several health supplement manufacturers.

So, informed people search for natural certified hoodia from a company that does not make claims that are just too good to be true; because where to find original hoodia cactus is in South Africa and most dieters are just not willing to travel there. Even if a dieter was willing to make the trip, they could not buy a hoodia gordonii plant and bring it back home with them. Hoodia gordonii is on a list of rare and endangered species. Exportation from South Africa is strictly regulated. Companies must be licensed by the South African government in order to take hoodia gordonii out of the country. This, at least, makes it easier to find natural certified hoodia gordonii. Dieters can be relatively confident about buying products from companies that display a CITES certificate.

For example, Hoodia XR and Desert Burn websites display both CITES certificates and chemical analysis reports. These reports confirm the presence of natural certified hoodia gordonii. These companies know where to find original hoodia cactus, even though it is technically a succulent.

For more information about natural certified hoodia, visit the Hoodia Info Blog.

Patsy Hamilton is an editor at the Hoodia Info Blog. Visit us at http://hoodiainfo.blogspot.com

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