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Stuck in the Food Muck (Part 2 of 3)

Often times we know that we are not happy with our weight, health and fitness. We know that we should make changes in our eating, exercise, and lifestyle habits, but sometimes we just get stuck in our old ways of thinking and eating.

Why do we get so stuck in not-so-good-for-you habits and stay stuck when we know better?

There are many reasons for getting stuck.

The more aware you become of what keeps you in the food rut, the more likely you will free yourself from that rut so you can reach a higher level of health and fitness.

What keeps you stuck in a body less than your ideal? Could it be:

Emotional bondage
Complacency (self-satisfaction)
Too many voices
Doctor worship
10.”It won’t happen to me”

In this article, let’s explore ignorance, laziness, and complacency.

Ignorance: Many people simply do not know that what they we eat has a direct effect upon their health. If they do know that food plays a role in their health, they don’t know how important food really is.

And certainly many people continue to eat what they were taught to eat when they were children. After all, their mothers knew what was best for them, and they just continue to eat what they were taught to eat by their mothers and have eaten all their lives.

They do not know that most experts agree that the fat, cholesterol, and even the animal protein found in animal products, along with the white sugar, white flour, and white salt products are direct contributors to loss of health, debilitating conditions, diseases, and premature death.

A diet, filled with whole fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, and seeds, promotes health and reduces the chances of getting life-shortening diseases. Many people just don’t know that.

Ignorance is not bliss. It is deadly.

Laziness: If we are aware, most of us are lazy at some times in our lives and some of us are lazy when it comes to changing eating habits. We know better, but we are simply too lazy to change our thinking and our patterns. Does that sound familiar to you?

As Jim Rohn says, the pain of regret is far greater than the pain of self-discipline. And haven’t we all experienced that lesson more than once in our lives? Yet, how many of us still haven’t learned that lesson?

Complacency (or self-satisfied): Some of you convince yourselves that you eat “well enough.” You eat in “moderation,” you tell yourself. You eat “balanced” meals. You eat “plenty” of fruits and vegetables. You don’t eat that much meat, cheese, and salty or sugary snacks. You take good care of yourself.

You think that you are doing “good” enough so, therefore, there is no need for you to make any changes at all. So, you stay stuck in your comfortable, self-satisfied ways and don’t try to make any changes that could make a difference between life and premature disease and early death.

Often times, the people stuck in complacency are the hardest people of all to reach.

They already know it all. There is nothing left to learn.

Do complacency, laziness, or ignorance keep you stuck in the food muck?

Part 3 of this article explores: “too many voices,” “fear,” “doctor worship,” and “It won’t happen to me.”

Leslie Van Romer - EzineArticles Expert Author

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a health motivational speaker, writer, and lifestyle coach. Visit http://www.DrLeslieVanRomer.com for more inspiration.

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