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How Do I Lose Weight For Good?

As a co-owner of a health store, speaker, wholeness coach and author on multidimensional health, this question of weight loss is one that continually keeps popping up. If you look around at the general population, you’ll see the evidence of too many pounds per body in many cases. Many people wish they could lose their weight, but either don’t want to make the lifestyle change to do it or it just isn’t happening even though they are trying.

One known fact is that dieting doesn’t work. There may be an initial loss, but once the original lifestyle is resumed the weight is back on with a vengeance, often attaching even more poundage than was previously present. There must be a lifestyle shift to accommodate weight loss that continues.

Many things contribute to weight gain: diet, lack of exercise, hormone imbalance, emotional mindset, body type, toxic build-up, poor elimination, and sleeping habits. All are major contributors to how your body functions and the rate of your metabolism. So it’s not one simple thing oftentimes that is contributing to your weight gain. It is mandatory that you become a detective for your own health, but certainly others can guide you with information that helps you on your journey.

Here’s a word of caution: Anyone who believes their “program” is the answer for you, run away fast. Every person alive on this planet is one-of-a-kind and there is no program that will completely work for you in its entirety. While the principles of their information may seem to be correct, the actual suggestions that are given may not be for you. What is good for one person, may actually be toxic for you.

So how in the world can you ever find what is good for you? As I mentioned earlier, it takes detective work. One of the best methods for discovering what is good for you is going by how you feel. Did what you eat for your last meal energize you or make you feel tired or lethargic an hour or two later? Do you enjoy the type exercise suggested for you? If not, you probably won’t stick with it. Do you get enough sleep, or better yet, do you feel rested when you arise in the morning? These answers can give you a good indication of whether or not something is working for you or not.

One thing for sure is that you are custodian of your earthly body and it is your responsibility to pay attention and listen to your body. You take care of your children or spouse, your car, your home, and your pet, right? Isn’t it even more important to take care of your own self? So you need to educate yourself so you can make wiser choices; do a little digging on your own.

While each of you are unique and have your own unique body, there are some basic principles that work for everyone. The ultimate goal is to be as healthy as possible and both reach and maintain your ideal weight. Carrying around extra poundage isn’t healthy and indicates that problems are brewing somewhere. Fat stored on you contains many toxins that continually feed into your blood stream and cycle throughout you dropping off toxic residue. Excess fat always means excess toxins. An old saying that holds true for everyone is: Garbage in, garbage out!

Although there are many things that play into your extra weight, I’m listing for you 10 simple guidelines that, if you follow them, your health can improve and your weight will begin working with you, not against you.


So many people don’t think good thoughts about themselves. They desire something but doubt they’ll ever obtain it. This relates to weight loss as well. Many people do what we call emotional eating – it makes them feel better temporarily when they eat since they don’t feel good about themselves inside. Or perhaps they’re stressed so much to feel better. You can achieve anything you put your mind to do, but in order to achieve it you must believe it. Place a picture of how you want to look, maybe one from a few years ago without the extra weight. Set it out where visible and look at it all the time. Ask for divine help in achieving it, and things will appear as guidance to achieve it.


Eating breakfast starts up your metabolism for the day. It is as if you’re “breaking the fast.” After sleeping all night with no food ingested, your body needs a jumpstart with healthy food. I’m not talking about jumpstarting it with stimulants like coffee. I’m talking about healthier choices: organic eggs, protein shake, fresh fruit, oatmeal, veggie juice, etc. Eating breakfast also places your hormones in the proper place to help you burn fat. Always eat three meals a day that are balanced and a balanced snack or two between meals if desired. This keeps your metabolism functioning as it should as well as your blood sugar levels more constant.


Your body was designed to move. If you don’t move it you won’t lose it. In order to lose weight you must move your body so that it boosts your metabolism. Exercise also eliminates toxins from your body which can of itself add weight. Exercise allows your blood and oxygen to flow and perks you up as well as improves your mental alertness. It can boost hormone production so that you become more balanced.


Every meal and snack should contain a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and good fats. This ratio is different for everyone, but a good place to begin might be 40-50% carbohydrates, 20-40 % protein, and 20% fats. This depends on your metabolic or body type, but people who are fit will tell you they concentrate on balancing their food intake in a similar ratio. Some regimens recommend a reduction of carbohydrates with an increase of protein to jumpstart weight loss. Be careful with this as your body needs balance at all times, and carbohydrates provide energy. Weight loss occurs more naturally and permanently when your body has balanced foods that it needs.


Your body needs ½ ounce of water per pound of body weight every day. If you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of filtered, pure water daily. Notice I said water. All other drinks are NOT included in this amount. Of course, water is your healthiest choice since your body is over 70% water. Doesn’t it make sense to refill your reservoir every day? Besides, water is a natural hydrator that keeps your skin younger and softer while removing toxins from your body.


So many individuals are lacking in sleep. Why do you think so many people need coffee and such to get going in the morning? Aim to sleep 7-8 hours every night. Your body does its repair work while you sleep, so less sleep means lowered immune responses which lead to more illness. Your adrenal glands, located above your kidneys, need this repairing sleep. If they don’t get it they will become fatigued and create a host of problems for you including weight gain, due to cortisol fluctuations. Did you know that over 42 million prescriptions were filled in 2005 for sleeping pills? It’s a common request in our health store: “Do you have anything to help me sleep?” Sometimes people go to bed but just can’t sleep. Look for an article for obtaining restful sleep soon!


Many times I hear people say they don’t eat vegetables. In a national survey the results revealed that 62 % of Americans eat no vegetables! I was totally shocked; having been brought up to eat my veggies, I thought everyone did. Of course I didn’t always like them, but as I matured I learned the value of them and shifted my belief system so that I like all of them now. Vegetables contain so many nutrients that your body needs – vitamins, fiber, minerals and healthy carbohydrates. Of course, it is important to consume organic vegetables whenever possible. Organic foods have many more nutrients in them because they don’t have pesticides or chemicals added that deplete the nutrients. Recently I heard from health practitioners that each person should consume 6-8 dark and brightly colored vegetables every day! Try juicing them as well. Juicing, like the famous Jack LaLanne has said for many years (By the way, at 91,he is still in shape, juices and exercises every day!), is like a tonic to your body. The freshly extracted juice enters your blood stream and immediately sends healthy nutrients that include antioxidants throughout your body. Antioxidants destroy free radicals which cause disease. These antioxidants can restore and maintain your health. You could even do a juice fast to help remove excess toxins from your body and thus begin your weight loss process.


Many people are deficient in vitamin D as well as the omega-3 fats. I read that most Americans who eat the typical American diet, receive only 10% or less of the vitally needed omega-3 fats. These are critical to health as all hormones within your body are created from cholesterol. Cholesterol is created through good fat. Most fat that individuals ingest is hydrogenated fat, which translate into trans fatty acids, something that is carcinogenic in your body. These unhealthy oils are heated to high levels which change them into carcinogenic substances that can create cancer and heart disease. Most oils on normal grocery store shelves are unhealthy. Cod liver oil and non-toxic cold water fish are healthy choices for giving your body the much needed omega-3 fat it needs to remain healthy. Carlson has pure, mercury-free fish oil and cod liver oil and should be consumed daily for health.

Many say you need 1-2 tablespoons of cod liver oil each day. Doctors who know the value of fish oils state you cannot overdo taking omega-3′s – the more the better. It’ll do wonders for dry skin and hair, will youthatize you, help keep joints and bones more flexible and pliable, not to mention give you a healthier heart while providing good cholesterol and therefore more balanced hormones.


Hormones play an integral part of your health, no matter what your age. As you age your hormones naturally decline, but if you are stressed or ill, your hormones decline even faster. What does this mean? You’ll age faster, you could develop a disease, you will lose your energy and vitality, and could lose your mental capabilities. As mentioned earlier, hormones need good cholesterol, and this good cholesterol is the first step in the conversion of all hormones within your body. If the hormones don’t convert properly you will not receive the benefits of those hormones and will end up on the short end of the stick. One effect will be weight gain.

I’m not just talking about your sex hormones – estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. This refers to thyroid and adrenal hormones as well, with DHEA and cortisol found in your adrenal glands. All of these are part of your endocrine system which in essence operates your entire body. Without balance in your endocrine system your entire body will be out of balance. When not in balance, disease can begin as well as weight gain.

We have a major epidemic of hormone imbalance today. Too much estrogen through dietary choices and environmental chemicals that give you xenoestrogens (false estrogens) has created a surgence of cancers and other disorders. Stress has created adrenal fatigue and thyroid imbalances that also can lead to many disorders and diseases. Using natural progesterone cream from a reliable source that uses USP progesterone in its preparation, can help to balance your hormones. Women and men can benefit from using the progesterone cream since both experience estrogen overload through ingesting foods and using chemical products from typical grocery stores. Visit www.restoredbalanceonline.com for more information as this brand I personally use and can vouch for its quality.

Too much estrogen causes weight gain as does low thyroid or adrenal function. Using natural progesterone cream can actually eliminate the excess estrogen from your body without side effects and help to balance hormones in various glands. The progesterone can help with mood swings, insomnia, energy, libido and a host of other benefits. It is the second hormone in the chain of all hormone conversions which can assist you in maintaining whatever hormone you need more of at that time.


Although I’m an advocate for taking supplemental vitamins, be very careful with what you consume and how many. Again, what works for one person may actually be toxic for you. If your body is unbalanced and not functioning up to par, too many supplements may actually make you sick. This I have experienced. Listen to your body! Avoid most stimulants as they are false energy and put more of a drain on your adrenals. Chickweed, for example, is an herb that often reduces the desire for eating, but it’s not for everyone. Popping veggie supplements in place of eating veggies is never a good substitute. Try taking whole food supplements when you desire to take a multi-vitamin or supplement. Better to visit a health food store for your purchases as many from other stores are loaded with fillers and binders that not only are never absorbed by your body, but can add poundage to you. You may think you are getting a bargain as the prices may be cheaper, but most pass right through your body without being properly utilized, possibly leaving toxic residues behind. In essence then, you’re throwing away your money.

Understand that anything of worth takes time; there is NO simple quick fix that lasts. The slow, steady approach is always the best but most individuals want it done yesterday. Patience and perseverance is required for you to undo what you’ve been doing for years, but the time it takes will bring a high end dividend – your vibrant health and better weight! So what are you waiting for…it’s time to move!

Carolyn Porter, D. Div.
Empower Productions, Inc.
[email protected]

Carolyn Porter, D. Div., is an Inspirational Speaker, Author of multiple books, ebooks and audios, Spiritual Wholeness Coach, Trainer for speaking, and Energy Facilitator, whose passion is helping individuals move beyond their present limitations and create exactly what they desire.

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