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Burn Away Fat in Seven Minutes a Day

I have said it before and I will say it again: dieting does not work.

Diets do not work, diet pills do not work, and diet supplements do not work. Your metabolism is what determines your weight and always will be what determines your weight.

Diets will not work. They will cause your body to go into starvation mode and when you go off the diet, you will gain everything back and more.

Enhancing your metabolism for a few hours a day with artificial stimulants will not work. Your natural metabolism will return within hours and the only weight you will lose will be at severe costs to your heart. This weight will be regained within days of you going off the pills, and you cannot stay normal and remain on those pills forever.

Diet supplements do not work. Supplements simply mimic diet pills. They are no healthier than the medicines they replace. They are simple stimulants, they are just as dangerous, and they are just as ineffective the moment you quit using them.

The only method that is guaranteed to reset your metabolism to its natural state is your actions. You must, in order to reset your internal metabolism or ‘internal furnace’, start a program that brings every component of your body to life.

If your metabolism is low, if you put on weight and cannot lose weight despite every diet and every supplement you have tried, you must reset your internal metabolic pace, and it is your body’s flexibility and balance that most powerfully determines this pace.

Restoring your body’s flexibility and resetting your metabolic levels does not require a massive commitment: they require a simple commitment. Joint by joint, one day at a time, your true flexibility and spinal balance can be restored, in only a few minutes every day.

Once your flexibility has been restored, your internal furnace begins burning higher and higher every day. Joint aches and pains reduce. Your metabolic functions and your immune functions increase. In seven minutes or less every day, you can raise your calorie burning internal furnace to levels you haven’t had since childhood.

I believe passionately that it is our role on this planet to constantly improve our mind and our body: it is your turn to improve your mind, to take control over your health, and to dramatically improve the body you live in.

Take the time today to learn the arts of restoring your personal flexibility and restoring the power to your internal calorie burning furnace.

About the Author:

Dr. Bryan Brodeur is the owner of the health web site VitalityHouse, and author of various e-books focusing on stretching and flexibility exercises.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bryan_Brodeur

Bryan Brodeur - EzineArticles Expert Author
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