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Does Diet Really Matter As Long as I am Eating Less?

Much of what is going to be discussed has been said many times before. It almost seems redundant to write about such a topic as diet when people generally know what to do yet just don’t do it. I think a article on will-power and changing your mind set on eating right and enjoying it is much more practical then saying what foods to eat, what not to, in what moderation and so on. The truth is, if on hoodia, you will desire to eat less (according to hoodia users) as it is an appetite suppressant which is wonderful. However, it is important to eat protein with a low fat content and good fruits and vegetables when you do eat. I’m not talking about skipping all deserts forever, and not being able to enjoy some tasty foods but moderation is the key! If all you do is eat high fat and high sodium content food even if eating less, you can still technically lose weight but there are many health risks with doing so. It is not the scope of this article to get into a diet plan for you to follow, there are lots of good ones out there but it is important to get the nutrients your body needs and not simply just eat less.

But one thing I have not only read but have experienced for myself and that is drinking a lot of water everyday. Not only does this help flush your system but also tends to fill up your stomach making you feel a little fuller, but your right, water alone cannot trick your stomach totally into thinking it is full but it can help.

I would however, suggest something that you can stick to, some foods you actually like! Don’t try to follow something ‘way out there’ or the latest diet fad. If you are truly uneducated with regards to diet and general calorie intake, talk with your doctor, a dietitian or look for a website that gives you some sound advice on this topic. From my experience and the experience of others, food amount it really important, don’t starve yourself, but don’t eat until you are full either, instead try eating until you are not hungry, there is a difference. Often the body does not feel satisfied until 20 minutes or so after you eat, try eating a smaller portion than you are use to and wait for 20 minutes, see how you feel. It also often takes the body 3 weeks to get used to something and form a habit, (good or bad) once a habit has been formed of eating better, it is much easier to stick to it, and you actually desire to do it too! But saying all of this, yes, Always consult a physician regarding any kind of diet you may go on. And good luck if using Hoodia, it will help you with not being hungry all the time, it is in my opinion probably the best natural diet supplement on the market.

Kevin Dunham website owner of http://www.hoodia–gordonii.com/ Hoodia

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