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The Psychology of Weight Loss – Getting to the ROOTS!

We have missed the boat and your boat is sinking fast. You have
weighted your ship down with stats, calories, grams and pounds.
Now you are more confused than ever on how to lose weight, feel
better and get stronger. We America catch up with the crisis, or
will the diabetes and obesity epidemic sink us? The answer is
not in the numbers the answer is in the psychology of weight
loss. Yes, America’s health will get worse before it gets
better. In order for you to get better these two steps must take

Step #1: Get over your hang-ups!

Why is it so hard for me to start exercising? I know it’s good
for me. It seems like I have some form of resistance to getting
in better shape.

“Exercise Resistance” or ER means a conscious or unconscious
block against participating in a regular active program. Studies
show that some people have barriers built up from past
experiences that give them a negative mindset toward exercise
and food. In many cases, this prevents a person from starting or
following through on an exercise program.


I thought the golden years were supposed to be filled with
relaxing things to do, not more activities I usually put off

Building up resentment toward exercise goes much deeper than
just not liking the effort it takes to do it. Resentment brings
out a rebellious attitude in us. The sooner you accept the fact
that exercise is going to have to be a part of the rest of your
life, the more likely you will start — the more likely you will
continue exercising. Resentment is usually fueled by his
cousins: Denial, Pride and Laziness. The best thing to do is
never let them play together. Resentment is a form of pride.


The only failure is not starting. Success is not measured in
numbers. It is measured in your growth through the process. Just
because your track record may show some ups and downs has no
bearing on your future efforts. Plus, your self-worth is not
based on how many times you started an exercise program. Fear of
failure is an excuse to never try.


If you think for one second that you are going to be perfect in
sticking to a plan, forget it. It’s not possible for anyone. The
truth is you will never be perfect. Perfectionism is an illusion.


You will always compare your results to something or someone.
Once you hit a goal there will always be another one. You may
even be the type that no matter what you do, it will never be
good enough. If you are this type, stop for a minute and listen
to your body. Comparing yourself to others and your past is a
losing battle.


If your expectations are too high, you set yourself up for
failure and then begin comparing yourself to others. In some
cases, ER sets in before you even start. This is hurtful.
Setting expectations that are too high is self-defeating before
you even start. Step #2: Change your false beliefs about food,
exercise and life.

Getting to the ROOT of the matter

To change unwanted behaviors, it’s important to acknowledge your
thinking toward exercise and eating. A lot of people believe
they know what that thinking is, but haven’t come to grips with
their core beliefs. In other words, they have to get to the
“root of the matter.” For FREE MINI COURES click here

In order to change your attitude toward exercise and food, you
have to understand the WHYs of the behavior.

You are going to have to dig deep, find the root of the problem,
nurture and understand it.

Your BELIEF system

The reason you have certain behaviors is based on the core
beliefs of your value system. It is here–inside–where things
need to be addressed. Beliefs form barriers that stop you from
starting or following through on a regular exercise and eating
program. In order to change attitudes toward exercise you have
to check under the surface.

It takes time, effort, and energy, and in some cases, outside
professional assistance to get to the TRUTH of the matter…to see
what is below, admit it is there and bring it up to the surface.
If you have a hard time following through on an eating plan,
chances are barriers have formed, and stop you from smooth

Do the math! Numbers do not lie. You either accept the road less
traveled or you face the consequences. It’s just that simple.
This may resemble a scare tactic, but the bottom line is this is
the reality. If you think for one second you are exempt, above
reproach, or just relying on luck or faith, think again. Your
best defense is a good offense.

Get over your hang ups. Get through your false belief’s and GET

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