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The KEY to TRUE Weight Loss

I can tell you exactly how to lose weight. Sadly, following a diet means sticking to it. And YOU, have to do the work. That means you scoop, weigh and measure all your food eat, all the water you drink and everything that may touch your lips. Ah… There lies the problem! Restriction. Time. Work. Did you know only one in every 100 people who diet, succeed in losing weight permanently? The rest gain it back, and sometimes gain more than they lost in the first place. The average dieter begins and ends up to 4 diets a year with little success. Personally, I find this fact depressing. Do you?

Think about all the people you know who try to lose weight or talk about losing weight. Why aren’t they changing? Now think about the fact those people have a 99% chance of failure! Why would they even try? Eating less and expending more is a simple formula … don’t you think? Why are so many people failing at following this simple formula? Is it hunger? I don’t think so.

Why do diets fail? In my work with struggling dieters, I have found it has to do with the hidden emotions that drive you back to the table time and time again. Diets provide good nutritional information, but they never explain why you were overeating in the first place! Do they? Diets do not work when life’s challenges make you crave comfort snacks. Diets do not work when your feelings are hurt and a bowl of ice cream promises you comfort. It may not even be that apparent. Maybe you are just bored. Boredom means you are not present and aware. You may be waiting for something better and not enjoying the here and now.

The message that eating right will lead to longer life bombards us daily. In fact, it is there so much, we have stopped listening! So why don’t we just eat our vegetables, drink our water and exercise more? We have been taught since we were a child that a cookie will make the pain go away. And if food eases stress in our life, why would you eat vegetables? They won’t ease the pain! We can’t control our overeating because we want foods that make our lives easier, more enjoyable and less stressful.

Take the next step and learn to feel your emotions, be aware of how you feel and keep the food out of your emotions.

Mind-Body nutritionist, Jen Blackert, Austin Nutrition, coaches clients nationally on mind-body techniques to help emotional eating.

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