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How Whey Protein Promotes Weight Loss

Whey protein has long been the favorite among athletes and bodybuilders alike for its efficiency as a foundational protein supplement; gram for gram it is very inexpensive, and a couple small scoops of whey can pack upwards of 30-40 grams of protein. This alone makes it very attractive to those who aim to increase their daily intake of protein, yet not many take advantage of some of whey’s best kept secrets. As millions of Americans struggle to lose the extra pounds, promising new research has shown the efficacy of whey in aiding in the struggle against those threatening pounds. This promising new research demonstrates the capacity of whey protein to serve as a powerful regulator of several key pathways associated with weight loss and optimized muscle mass. Specifically, whey protein, among others things, serves to increase insulin sensitivity, moderate cortisol, and maintain healthy serotonin levels – all vital components of weight management.


Burning fat and optimizing muscle mass has traditionally been the goal when it pertains to weight management, and more specifically, weight management through exercise. Well, according to a study conducted in Paris, France, supplementation of whey protein does precisely that. French scientists studied male rats that exercised for two hours daily for more than five weeks. The first group of rats exercised in a fasting state with no food before exercise. Three additional groups of rats exercised one hour after consuming a meal that was supplemented with either glucose, whey protein, or whole milk protein.The results proved to be enlightening. In comparison with the fasting group, the glucose group indicated that that the glucose fed rats burned sugar instead of body fat. By contrast, the third and fourth groups utilized fat as their primary fuel source. One of the study’s most interesting findings related to body weight. While all the rats that were given a food supplement pre-exercise experienced an increase in body weight, rats that were fed glucose gained mass from an increase in body fat. However, the rats that were fed whey protein, demonstrated that the weight gain came from a reduction in fat and an increase in lean muscle mass. This research is a definite shot in the arm for whey protein, as it highlights its ability to support improvements in body composition.


Also, according to new research, another added benefit from the supplementation of whey protein lies in whey’s ability to possibly influence the levels of serotonin within the brain. Serotonin is responsible for a wide scope of psychological and biological functions, and for the focus of this article, influences appetite and mood. Adequate levels of serotonin are linked with a positive mood, improved coping ability, and relaxation, whereas low levels of serotonin are linked with depression, poor appetite control, and anxiety.

Since serotonin is derived from the precursor tryptophan, scientists have speculated that an increased dietary intake of tryptophan would encourage healthy levels of serotonin. Specifically, a tryptophan-rich whey component, alpha-lactalbumin, that was researched in a recent dutch study, was able to raise blood plasma levels of tryptophan almost 50% in comparison with the control group. Additionally, in stress-vulnerable subjects, this increase in tryptophan was accompanied by decreased cortisol levels, and reduced feelings of depression. Now, while cortisol is a naturally produced hormone during times of fight-or-flight, prolonged levels of cortisol that can be produced from chronic stress impact the body in a very negative way. Prolonged cortisol levels are correlated with suppressed thyroid funcation, decreased bone density, increased abdominal fat, and decreased muscle tissue (just to name a few).


So folks, while on the surface, supplementation of whey protein may simply appear to be “adding more protein” to your diet, it is really only the tip of the benefits whey protein possesses. Supporting satiety, promoting fat burning, optimizing lean muscle, and regulating caloric intake are the goals that one might have in mind when approaching weight management, yet these are simply the end results; healthy hormone and neurotransmitter levels, positive mood, and a proper appetite are the pathways. A couple scoops a day might just be the ticket.

Judy Phillips is the founder of Jash Botanicals Herbal Formulas, a manufacturer of physicians grade herbal extracts and medicinals. A naturopath and herbalist with over 25 years of experience, her passion for producing herbal formulas of exceptional purity and strength grew from a dissatisfaction with mainstream herbal products. She is an author of various natural health topics, from detoxification to dietary modification, and works to assist the expansion of knowledge to individuals in search of natural treatments. JashBotanicals.com offers a wide range of informative articles, including a monthly newsletter and a natural health blog.

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