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Go On And Say The Word – Who? Who? Hoodia

What is it?

No, It’s not a new song by Phil Collins but the latest and
supposed greatest of the weight loss wonder drugs. Not a
drug really but a plant extract made from the Hoodia
“Cactus” well it looks like a cactus, but it’s actually a
succulent from the Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa. It
seems Bushmen from the area have been using Hoodia for
centuries chewing on this “cactus” to alleviate hunger and
thirst on long hunts where prey is tracked over hundreds of

Why is Hoodia so expensive?

It only grows in a very specific environment, mainly South
Africa. Because of this the demand for Hoodia products has
far out paced the production of Hoodia cactus. Which of
course has not only driven prices up but also created a
whole underground market of fake and/or very low dosage
Hoodia products. Many products advertise Hoodia extract but
read the label and look for a product that is made from
pure South African Hoodia Gordonii. Many Hoodia producers
dilute their supplements in order to create a lower cost,
and therefore make a lower grade product. The bottle must
say 100% Pure South African Gordonii, accept no substitutes.

Can I get cheaper synthetic Hoodia like a synthetic
vitamin C or a drug?
Hoodia Gordonii is entirely natural; it is not a drug.
The drug companies, however, on the lookout for the next
“wonder” drug – read “Cash Cow” like Viagra, are already
hard at work trying to isolate the appetite-suppressing
molecule in Hoodia to create a patented diet drug to “help”
the approximately fifty million Americans that are
attempting to slim down. For now quality Hoodia is either
pure Hoodia, or Hoodia in a formula, from the Kalahari
Desert areas of South Africa. Hoodia from Texas, Mexico or
China has not been shown in clinical trials to suppress
appetite and aid in weight loss.

How does Hoodia perform its diet supporting function?
We all know that the key to losing weight is to eat less
and exercise more, but that is easier said than done. It
seems Hoodia tricks the brain into thinking you’ve eaten,
and makes you feel full. There is a part of your brain, the
hypothalamus, where there are nerve cells that sense
glucose sugar. When you eat, blood sugar goes up because of
the food; these cells start firing and cause you to feel
full. What the Hoodia seems to contain is a molecule that
is about 10,000 times as active as glucose. It goes to the
same mid-brain cells and actually makes them fire as if you
were full. But you have not eaten. Nor do you want to.
Rats when fed the cactus stopped eating completely.

How Quickly Will Hoodia Work?
Hoodia may work right away, or may take several weeks.
Some people report that Hoodia works for them immediately,
suppressing appetite within 20 to 30 minutes after taking
the capsules. Generally, though, people typically need up
to two weeks of regularly taking Hoodia before they begin
to notice the effects, which include: A reduced interest in
food. A delay in the time after eating before hunger sets
in again. Feeling full more quickly. A General feeling of
well being. Hoodia Gordonii is not a stimulant, and has no
known side effects. Hoodia appears to be safe for most

How to Take Hoodia?
Prescription drugs containing Hoodia or its synthetic
derivative are years away from being on the market. But
natural Hoodia supplements are currently available. You
need to be particularly careful that you take a Hoodia that
contains the actual plant-some brands out there claim to
contain Hoodia, and have been tested to show they have no
Hoodia whatsoever.

Bottom line.
No one can promise you that Hoodia is some sort of miracle
diet pill. You can’t just pop a few Hoodia every day, eat
all you want, and lose weight. It just doesn’t work like

Reality Sets In.
The reality is that for many people in order to lose
weight, you have to cut some calories, focus on eating
enough good fats (but limit the saturated fats), eat enough
healthy protein, eat good carbs (high fiber vegetables and
some fruits), avoid the high-glycemic simple carbohydrates
(like sugar, flour, and rice), drink sufficient water, and
ensure that you are doing things-like aerobic and weight
bearing exercise.

Another Option:
If you are like me and don’t have the time, training or
inclination to try every new diet fad that comes along on a
daily basis – take a look at this “Fat Loss For Idiots”.
No I don’t think you’re an Idiot (remember the Yellow
Idiot’s Guide to “Whatever” Books) but this unique software
produces and personalizes just for you a simple and logical
plan that may be more workable (and less expensive) than
the latest and greatest wonder weight loss supplement.

P.S. – I do like the word “Hoodia” though – where do they
come up with this stuff.

Steve Ingram

P.S. – Please feel free to use this article for any
purpose AS LONG AS the links remain intact!


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