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The All New Miracle Diet

With all the hype on how people have lost 20, 30, or 40 lbs. in a month, how can you tell which one is best for you? The truth is that all of these diets are no miracle. Most of these diets are based on the quick results principal. Or in other words, get results now. However, have you learned anything on the long term effects of these diets? Probably not. Truth is that the health and fitness industry can be very similar to the make money schemes.

Think of dieting as a money making scheme. Sure you can make $300/ a day, but what is involved in making that money. Truth here is that there are many other factors involved in making the money then will be disclosed to you. In fact, you may make no money at all. The dieting game is no different. Sure you can lose 30 lbs. a month. However, there are many factors to consider here. Some of which can be detrimental to your overall health, and health is the main goal right?

For example, there are more ways in which you lose weight than just losing fat alone. You can lose weight from water loss in the body, loss of bone mass, muscular catabolism ( muscle loss), and also adipose tissue (fat). There are some others also. Knowing this, now consider which diet actually causes you to lose body fat and not the others. Most likely you have entered a gray area here. This is what the dieting gurus do not want you to know about. In fact most diets will cause you to lose weight through water loss and muscular catabolism ( muscle loss). Going back to being healthier, you have just strayed from your overall goal. More to come later….

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Paul Hopkins is currently an I.S.S.A. (International Sport Sciences Association) Certified Fitness Trainer. On top of that, he has studied health and fitness for over 12 years.

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