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Lose Weight by Taking These Simple Steps

To lose weight is the goal of millions of people around the world. For those who need to lose weight and have tried the latest diet only to fail, frustration is the norm. Here are some simple things you can do to lose weight sooner rather than later.

Eat more raw vegetables

When I mention raw foods, I’m not talking about raw meat or anything gross like that. I’m specifically referring to raw fruits and vegetables. Especially vegetables. Chances are, you aren’t eating enough vegetables. If you’re like most people, you most likely eat too many breads, pastas, fatty foods and deserts. You can pretty much each as many raw vegetables as you like and it would be difficult to eat too many calories.

Another side benefit from eating more raw vegetables is that you also get good nutrition, good fiber and because it takes longer for your body to process raw vegetables, it takes you longer to get hungry again.

Reduce your junk food intake

Most people in the first world eat way too much junk food. Junk food can include potato chips, cookies, pies, cakes, and all kinds of high fat foods like too much cheese, fatty meats, etc. Do everything you need to do in order to greatly reduce and even eliminate this food category. All food in this category will go straight to your fat cells while adding little to your overall nutrition.

Avoid processed food whenever possible

Some examples of processed food include breads, pastas, crackers and most cereals. Don’t get me wrong, eating some of these in moderation is a good thing. Eating them to excess isn’t a good idea. These foods tend to be high in calories and low in nutrition. Unless they include whole food, these foods are also processed very quickly by the body so that you are hungry after eating them in no time at all.

Drink your 8 glasses of water

Water is needed by your body to flush out the toxins in your blood. In fact, water is needed to keep almost all bodily functions working at peak efficiency. Your body recycles almost all the water in your body each day but it loses between 10-12 glasses of water each and every day. Most people get 2-4 glasses of water from the food they eat which means that we need 8 glasses of water a day to keep our bodies working in top form.

By the way, drinking water is not the same as drinking juice. If you look at the caloric content of most juices, 8oz of juice comes with anywhere from 80 to 100 calories per 8oz cup. Water on the otherhand has no calories.

Lucila Duchesne is the CEO of Yowling.com and is the webmaster of Dropweightinfo.com. Reprint freely as long as you maintain the live links in this resource box.

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