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The Enemy of Weight Loss

Going out for a meal used to be something which happened only on
special occasions but these days it’s often a several-times-a
week occurrence simply because we are too tired to cook.

If eating out is a regular event for you, avoid the temptation
to treat it like an invitation to over-indulge. This is part of
your regular eating pattern so you need to treat it as such. Eat
only as much as you need and no more.

Occasional overeating does no harm but any level of regular
overeating is bound to result in you piling on the pounds.

Having said that, you CAN eat healthily in restaurants, so if
you eat out a lot, don’t despair. Just plan your trip with care
and set a firm intention to eat healthily before you go.

Bear in mind that the cheapest restaurant options are normally
the most unhealthy. Fast food and lower end restaurants are not
noted for their use of low-fat or low-calorie cooking methods or
foods. So choose your restaurant with care, somewhere that you
know offers a selection of healthier dishes or will prepare
foods specially for you on request.

If you have to wait for your meal at the bar, avoid alcoholic
drinks which can increase your appetite and lower your resolve,
not to mention the empty calories they contain. Avoid fizzy
drinks with your meal and ask for water instead. If you drink
wine with dinner, a small glass when you go out shouldn’t do too
much harm in terms of calories.

Restaurants often serve huge amounts and if you know you have a
tendency to clean your plate no matter how much is on it, order
a small portion or a starter in place of a main course. You can
even share a dish with your dinner companion. If you’re in the
US you can request a doggie bag – but don’t try this one in
Europe unless you want some very strange looks.

Avoid fried foods and those which are served in creamy or
buttery sauces. Wherever possible go for plain grilled (broiled)
chicken or fish and ask for any sauce to be served on the side.
The same goes for salad where the dressing can turn a healthy
dish into a dieter’s nightmare.

Forget dessert too if you are trying to lose weight. You just
don’t need 300 or more extra calories on top of everything
you’ve already eaten.

If you choose an ethnic restaurant take the time before your
visit to understand the various cooking methods and ingredients
in typical dishes and if you’re in doubt about a particular item
on the menu ask the waiter for information.

Above all, don’t use eating out all the time as an excuse for
not losing weight. You are the one ordering the food and no one
is forcing you to eat it.

If you really can’t resist when you go out, then take the time
to plan, prepare and cook food at home so that you don’t rely so
much on restaurants. Arrange to meet friends for coffee, a
sandwich or a movie rather than dinner or organise a more active
outing such as a walk, shopping trip or bowling party. You are
only limited by your imagination. On business trips, you can use
local stores to buy healthy foods to eat in your room for at
least part of your stay. The size of your expense account does
not have to show up in the size of your waistline.

Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small

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