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A Key to Weight Loss

It’s out with the old, and in with the new you!

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Two thirds of Americans are overweight in the USA, and obesity has become an epidemic with serious health risk factors. Losing weight without a plan is like traveling without a map—you may get to your destination, but how long it will take, and what condition you will be in when you get there become unclear. Many of the approaches that are advertised for weight loss fail to give you the proper road map.

Most weight loss experts agree that the key to long-term weight management evolves from permanent lifestyle changes; nevertheless, hundreds of misleading services, and weight loss products are advertised in today’s marketplaces–many of which are potentially dangerous, and put the user at a higher health risk from their side effects. Studies reveal that permanent health damage, and even death can result from some of the unsafe approaches to dieting that are advertised to consumers.

The Federal Trade Commission, with the assistance of Partnership for Healthy Weight Management, researched advertising for weight loss. In a report issued in September 2002, revealing strategies for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, the results indicated that the average consumer has yet to become educated to the dangerous risk factors associated with many advertised weight loss methods.

There is a safe approach to weight loss that most people never consider…hypnotherapy; in fact, many experts say that hypnotherapy has the highest success for permanent weight loss–higher than the Atkins diet, Weight Watchers, any others. Hypnosis has been officially recognized by the American Medical Association since 1958. Hypnotherapists are often trained in holistic/naturopathic protocols. By using non-invasive, non-chemical modalities of intervention, the hypnotherapist looks at weight loss from a perspective that life changes must be made, but to change them, you must to first find what underlying causes have led to the weight gain in the first place. Once you find the causes, a map can be drawn out, and goals can be reached with lasting effects.

How you eat, and how it affects your body weight depends on many factors. Examples include learned behavior; family relationships, societal influences, food sensitivity, emotional trauma, knowledge of food & nutrition, habit/routine, exercise, quality of food, and genetic patterns/hormone structure. Other weight loss techniques tend to fail because they are too simplistic–overlooking the many factors that caused the weight gain, and how they can sabotage permanent weight loss.

Dieting and exercise alone often result in temporary success for most people; however, behavioral changes, nutrition, and naturopathic techniques need to be addressed and introduced into weight loss programs to increase their effectiveness. A fundamental reason that hypnotherapy is so successful at permanent weight loss, is because it allows you to find the root causes of the weight gain, and works on overcoming those causes. When the root causes are eliminated, in conjunction with proper nutrition, and a plan with solid goals, permanent weight loss is the end result.

If you have any existing health problems–diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression, or if you’re taking prescription medications, it’s very important to check with your doctor before starting any new diet.

Crystal White CI (814) 866-2428 Erie, PA (877) 690 – 6140 TOLL FREE
Master Hypnotherapist, Habit Control Specialist; Weight Loss, Smoking Cessation,
Transformational Life Coach, National Facilitator Hypnosis, Pain , Cancer, Fibromyalgia & Agoraphobia
Alternative, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine

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