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Low Carb Dieting – The Lifelong Solution to Staying Thin?

Low carb dieting has become a popular way to lose weight quickly, and has even become the preferred lifestyle for thousands of health and weight conscious people. The question is, are low carb diets a realistic lifetime regimen, and are they really healthy?

Well, here’s the general consensus: Hats off to low carb dieters, for they have found the lifelong key to weight maintenance, heart health and peak physical condition. When most people hear the term “low carb diet”, they think of fanatical menus of bacon, eggs, cheese and other “zero carb” foods that, prior to the carbohydrate diet revolution, were considered high fat, artery clogging foods. In short, the typical low carb fare was a long list of high fat no-no’s up until the low carb revolution, and pastas and breads were hailed as “low to no fat”, so people were piling on the carbs in favor of less fat.

We’ve come a long way from this extreme school of thought, with the advent and teaching of a more healthy and balanced low carb dieting lifestyle. This new school of thought does not preach a zero tolerance for sugars and starches, but rather just making smarter choices in carbohydrate consumption, and a higher protein to carbohydrate ratio, with a healthy but moderate dash of unsaturated fat.

This new “moderation” method of low carb dieting has proven to be a huge asset for thousands of people suffering from obesity and excess weight. Many have adopted the moderation philosophy into their permanent eating habits and lifestyle with great long term success and permanent weight loss and maintenance.

Sure, most of us low carbers will have those moments of weakness, especially around the holidays, and overdo it on the sugars and starches, but it’s actually pretty easy to get right back in the swing of things again. As a matter of fact, there are also some effective supplements that actually absorb excess carb intake and help offset any weight gain through times like this. They are usually taken just before or shortly after meals to help eliminate improper storage of fat as well as even out blood sugar, which is on of the primary reasons for weight gain through excess carb intake.

Long Term Low Carb Dieting Benefits

Benefits of adopting this lifestyle are voluminous. Aside from the obvious weight loss and effective weight management benefits, there are other significant advantages to this type of diet.

Here are the top benefits:

1.) Increased muscle tone
2.) Mentally more focused
3.) Less incidence of depression and anxiety
4.) Healthy blood sugar levels = lower risk of diabetes
5.) Healing faster and more efficiently
6.) Get sick less often
7.) Skin, hair and all other external organs grow healthier and more radiant
8.) Eat less – low carb foods are more filling

Think about it. Even if this short list of eight benefits was the only reason to adopt low carb dieting as a lifestyle, it would be worth it, right? There are many – maybe even hundreds more benefits to this method of eating. If you want to live longer, be thin for life, and be healthier, this diet is exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Visit Low Carb Diet Pills for more information on the only clinically proven carb cutting pill mentioned in this article – for when you indulge a little too much in carbs. Danna Schneider is the founder of
Herbal Therapeutics – Pure Hoodia Pills

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