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Gaining Weight — Your Real Weight Problem

Gaining Weight

This is your real problem. Not losing weight but gaining it is
why we are faced with an obesity epidemic. Forget weight loss
diets, you need a weight gain prevention diet.

But what about the excess weight you have now? Of course you
have to lose weight, but it’s how you lose it that can make the
difference between keeping weight off and regaining it all back.

Lose weight and prevent weight gain at the same time, that’s
your goal.

Weight Gain

There are two types of weight gain…

Natural Weight Gain (age related)

As we age it’s natural to gain weight. The main process involves
a slowing of your metabolism due to a loss of muscle tissue. You
know the old saying, “Use it or lose it.”

This is why keeping your muscles toned and strong is so
important. When muscle is tones, the nervous system constantly
stimulates it at a higher rate. This means you need to expend
more energy even at rest to keep the muscle tissue from becoming

Flabby muscle has very little nerve stimulation at rest. This
results in a slower metabolism and possibly weight gain in the

Bottom line…keep your muscles toned and strong and weight will
not be an issue for you.

Weight Re-gain

This is weight gained immediately after dieting. It is
inevitable unless you stay on the diet. Diets today promote fast
weight loss so that you see and feel results in a short period
of time. They get praised for doing a great job and you feel
great about yourself.

Then the weight starts to creep back in and the scales begins a
steady rise negating all your efforts a few weeks ago. But do
you blame the diet? No. You blame yourself or your genetics for
the weight re-gain now setting in. It’s not your fault!

The diet you were on caused Diet ShockTM. Your
body went into shock during the diet and thought you were
starving. So it set in motion a string of events that are
causing the weight re-gain you’re now experiencing.

Weight Gain Solution

There are two things you must do when

Go Slow

First, go with a diet that doesn’t push a lose weight fast
program. Fast weight loss is the worst absolute thing you could
do, if you want to prevent weight gain.

A basic rule of thumb is 2 pounds/week of weight loss is healthy
weight loss.

Stay Low

Most dieters set their weight loss goals too high. Losing only
5-10% of your total weight produces significant health benefits.

Ease up on your goals for losing weight and you will have a
better chance of keeping the weight off.

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