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How Safe Liposuction Is?

If you are thinking of undertaking a liposuction, you are
probably asking yourself how safe it would be for you. In any
case, you had better bear a few things in mind. You have to be
informed about all the possible problems that may occur after
the operation. The fact that sounds amasing is how many people
had the operation done without knowing all the after-effects
liposuction may lead to. If you are troubled whether liposuction
is safe or not, look carefully through the following points of

1. Liposuction can be safe for you if you reveal all your
medical history, and the medical history of your parents to the
surgeon. Whether you have taken medications can also be vital as
information. You have to be as much informative as possible:
because that is the only way that your surgeon can decide
whether or not to undertake the operation. 2. The ability of the
surgeon to assess whether or not liposuction will be safe for
your health is another big point. 3. Your safety depends also on
the training and experience of the surgeon, the skill of the
surgical staff, the training of the anesthesiologist and the
quality of the aftercare taken by the recovery staff. 4.
Liposuction can be safe if there is a minimal incidence of
inherent risks occurring intraoperatively 5. There exists also
the postoperative risk of deterioration. After the operation,
you have to stick to the exact directions given by the medical
staff. This stage of the operation depends basically on your
personal involvement in the recovery process. It is up to you
whether liposuction will be safe for your health. If you
strictly follow the post-operative protocol, you minimize the
risk of bad things happening.

Of course, no-one can say for sure if liposuction will be safe
in a concrete case. Nothing is known with precision until the
operation itself is accomplished. There is the tiniest
possibility that your liposuction be lethal for you: this risk
is reported to be 1 in 5,000. That makes 20 in 100,000 patients
dead after the operation. That happens mostly because of the
neglect of post-operative protocol from the patient and the
caring staff. Liposuction can be safe if appropriate care is
taken during recovery. Patients should be carefully monitored to
omit any negative consequences. Two diseases may occur after
liposuction. The first one is Pulmonary Thromboemboli-a blood
clot to the lungs. The second one is Fat Emboli- a fat in the
blood vessels. To ensure that liposuction goes safe, the patient
need to do special exercise after the operation. Medical staff
supervises that he or she doesn’t sit or lie immobile for longer
periods of time. These complications may occur from 24 to 72
hours after the operation. The patient should be kept in
hospital for an overnight after the operation to prevent the
risk. Clotting can be prevented using pneumatic compression

How safe liposuction is has become a many-dimensional problem.
There are other sides of the issue that haven’t been explored
yet and may influence the safety of the patient. It is vital to
have a clear perspective of the problem as a whole before making
any decision for or against liposuction.

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