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The perfect weight loss solution!

The main contributing factors to failure on a weight loss
program are hunger and energy loss. The majority of foods today,
even “good foods” such as fruit and vegetables, are
nutritionally deficient due to over processing, chemical
spraying, early harvesting and, in the case of meats, use of
antibiotics. As a result of these factors, the average person
would need to consume around 4000 calories worth of food to meet
their daily nutritional requirements. For women the recommended
daily intake is around 1500 and for men around 2500 so it
doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out what we’d all look
like if we ate 4000 calories per day! It takes only one nutrient
deficiency for the body to attempt to satisfy that deficiency by
increasing the appetite, hence the cravings and hunger that
dieters face daily, not to mention the lethargy and tiredness
caused by the lack of proper fuel. Couple this with a typical
“diet plan” of restricting food intake (and therefore
restricting nutrition in an already deficient diet) and it’s not
hard to see why 70% of people fail on a typical weight loss
program. The body actually needs good nutrition to perform all
of it’s functions properly so without this, the body
malfunctions! Fat is not metabolized, toxins are not processed,
good nutrients are not utilized properly and any of the 70% of
other ailments and illnesses caused by a bad diet could also
rear their ugly head. So the dieter is not only trying to cope
with the mental challenges of being on a “diet” but is also
expecting the body to perform properly and burn fat even though
it is not being given the right fuel in order to do so. It’s no
wonder weight loss can be so difficult!

In stark contrast to all of this, it’s been proven that by using
nutritionally balanced meal replacements and supplementation,
with the guidance of a professional coach, success is increased
by 300%.

Meal replacements and supplementation are the perfect way to
give the body it’s full daily nutritional requirements without
all the calories, making weight loss a breeze! Not only will
hunger and cravings diminish but energy levels will increase and
amazing health benefits can also be experienced, simply because
the body is finally receiving the fuel it needs to heal it’s
existing ailments.

A program of meal replacements and supplementation, combined
with the services of a professional weight loss coach, will
ensure that old habits are not re-adopted and that reaching a
weight loss goal, then returning to “normal” eating again, does
not mean that weight will be regained. Re-education is an
important part of any weight loss program and with the right
program and the right coaching, weight loss can be maintained
for life.

In conclusion, for anyone who is wishing to lose weight, whether
it be a little or a lot, and who wants to do so without the
traditional challenges that rear their ugly head on a
‘diet’, consider the meal replacement option. It works,
it’s easy, it’s simple, it’s convenient, you don’t have to
calorie count or measure portion sizes and best of all you will
increase your energy levels, improve your health and watch the
fat will literally melt away. The perfect weight loss experience!

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