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Quick Weight Loss or Quackery

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———— Quick Weight Loss or Quackery

Cellulite – Reduce The Appearance

——————————— Sallie Elizabeth has always
had large breasts and a big bottom, and she has accepted them as
part of her genetic makeup. But when cellulite appeared in the
back of her upper leg, she “freaked out” and resolved to do
something about it.

A friend recommended endermologie, a deep massage treatment
using a motorized device with two adjustable rollers and
controlled suction. The device is said to improve the look of
cellulite by gently folding and unfolding the skin for smooth
and regulated deep-tissue movement.

The cellulite is “less visible,” she says, noting her smoother,
softer skin. “I feel healthier. My circulation has improved …
and I feel more relaxed.”

To keep up the effects, the 20-something model visits Smooth
Synergy, a cosmedical spa in Manhattan, once or twice a week for
35-minute sessions with the endermologie machine and a

Elizabeth may be enjoying her cellulite-busting experience, but
experts raise eyebrows at many tools or treatments purported to
reduce the appearance of cellulite, trim fat in specific areas,
shed pounds, or build muscle, particularly if they claim to
replace exercise and good nutrition.

“They’re a waste of money,” says Richard Cotton, a spokesman for
the American Council on Exercise and chief exercise physiologist
for myexerciseplan.com.

If that is the case, then a sizeable chunk of currency could be
going down the drain. According to a Federal Trade Commission
(FTC) weight loss advertising trend report, in the year 2000
alone, consumers spent an estimated $34.7 billion on weight-loss
products and programs.

While it is not known how much of that accounts for sales of
unproven or fraudulent merchandise, an FTC study of weight loss
ads from different media shows that nearly 40% of ads make at
least one false claim, and an additional 15% make at least one
claim that is very likely false, or lacks proof.

To add to the number soup: Results from a national health survey
conducted between 1999 and 2000 indicate that more than six out
of every 10 Americans are overweight or obese, a figure that has
increased dramatically in recent years.

Another recent survey that looked at the attitudes of Americans
adults toward their own weight found that despite the fact that
two-thirds of men were considered overweight, only about half
(51%) said they wanted to lose weight versus 68% of women who
said they wanted to lose weight.

Put it all together and there are arguably more people wanting
to use weight loss products, and according to the government’s
trend report, the “marketplace has responded with a
proliferating array of products and services, many promising
miraculous, quick-fix remedies.”

There are, indeed, numerous therapies, including weight loss
programs and dietary supplements. Then there are the popular
treadmills, bun and ab rollers, the body bow, and bun and thigh

For this piece, however, WebMD looked only into passive exercise
devices such as electrical muscle stimulators and toning tables,
cellulite reduction therapies, and gels, creams, eyeglasses,
earrings and similar doodads marketed for weight loss, and

Granted, not all remedies may be the same, but health
professionals say far too many of them can’t be trusted.

Passive Weight Loss


To Elizabeth’s credit, she tries to eat right, jog, do Pilates,
and perform squats to supplement her endermologie sessions. In
fact, good nutrition and regular physical activity are
recommended with the treatment.

However, many weight loss, cellulite-busting, and
muscle-building products promise results without having to do
too much.

“It’s the idea that an individual can get to the body size they
want without any increase in physical activity or without any
change in eating,” says Jennifer Anderson, PhD, RD, professor
and extension specialist at Colorado State University’s
department of food science and human nutrition. She simply
laughs at appetite-suppressing eyeglasses, weight loss patches
and chewing gum, toning gels, fat-melting creams, and evening
solutions that claim to trim waistlines during sleep.

“In some instances, it’s a total gimmick,” says Anderson. “In
other instances, it will reduce a lot of water weight quickly,
but it’s never going to change eating behaviors, activity
levels, and make that the key to their lifestyle.” This quick
water weight loss never leads to real, long-term weight loss,
says Anderson, noting that the only weight loss and toning plan
that works involves eating well and moving your body.

Furthermore, she says there is no proof that cellulite can be
massaged away or taken out by injections of vitamins, special
underwear, or use of other gizmos. To get rid of the dimpled
fat, weight must be shed, and skin made firmer by doing strength

Francie M. Berg, a licensed nutritionist, and founder of the
Healthy Weight Network, agrees. “If you want to tone your body
or become more fit, you need to do the work. It’s not lying on a
table, and having [a gadget] lift your feet,” she says referring
to no-effort toning tables, beds, and machines.

The value of toning and weight loss equipment depends on how
much work you can get a person to do to burn energy, says Berg,
pointing out that when people see desired results with normally
passive devices and treatments, it’s usually because they’ve
also made efforts to eat well or exercise.

Truth With A Twist


Berg coordinates the Task Force on Weight Loss Abuse for the
National Council Against Health Fraud, which gives out annual
Slim Chance Awards to selected weight loss products. This year’s
“worst gimmick” prize went out to MagnaSlim, which claims to
relieve stress and its byproduct of overeating by placing
magnets and a magnetized solution at specific acupuncture
points. The magnet at the acupressure point would supposedly
improve cell function, restore Chi (life force energy), and give
a person more control over what they put in their mouths.

Weight loss promoters have long cashed in on the concept of
acupressure and magnetic therapy for weight loss, even though
there is no proof it works, says Berg. Items using similar
concepts on the market include magnetic weight-loss earrings,
adhesives, beads, and seeds.

It is apparently not uncommon for manufacturers to piggyback on
ideas and studies that may have genuine validity, and twist them
for commercial purposes.

Another example would be the electrical muscle stimulators (EMS)
promoted to do anything from slough off weight to tone muscle to
form six-pack abs. Some ads claim this is possible without

Health experts scoff at such an idea, but do say EMS is a
valuable tool for physical therapy. “There are times when that
really helps,” says Anderson, pointing to rehabilitation
programs for people with physical injuries or stroke-related

“The problem I have with it is if it’s being marketed as muscle
stimulation, and that will help you tone up and lose weight,”
says Anderson. “Well, it probably will help you tone a little
bit, but it shouldn’t take place of being more active and
looking at how many calories we put in our mouth each day.”

Gad Alon, PhD, associate professor in the department of physical
therapy and rehabilitation science at the University of Maryland
in Baltimore, has studied the effects of EMS, and many promoters
often refer to his research in peddling their wares.

He says many of these marketers misuse his work, saying things
like, “Seven physicians at the University of Maryland have
concluded that you may never have to do sit-ups again.” First of
all, says Alon, there were no physicians present for the
studies; he and his students conducted the studies, and they
never addressed the topic of weight loss.

Alon warns, though, that some EMS devices in the market might
not have the proper specifications to work properly. He says
they may use electrodes that do not have good conductivity, or
some may be too small to cover large muscle areas.

The Damage and what to do with it


Some of the weight loss gadgets may seem too good to be true,
yet even smart people fall for them. Why are people so willing
to believe these quick and easy schemes?

“Hope springs eternal,” says Edward Abramson, PhD, a clinical
psychologist, and author of Emotional Eating: What You Need to
Know Before Starting Another Diet. He says people are always
looking for a shortcut, especially for difficult, ongoing

Besides losing money on bunk products, however, consumers could
get their hopes dashed. Abramson says repeated disappointments
with weight loss could undermine a person’s overall sense of
well-being. He says some people could even internalize blame to
a point that could lead to eating disorders.

Berg adds that false weight loss systems and goods could also
prevent people from seeking real treatment, interfere with
responsible programs that do work, and promote distrust of the
medical community.

To avoid falling prey to such schemes, the FDA says consumers
should be particularly skeptical of claims containing words like
easy, effortless, guaranteed, miraculous, magical, breakthrough,
new discovery, mysterious, exotic, secret, exclusive, and

The experts interviewed by WebMD also recommend concentrating on
weight-management strategies that are proven to work, such as
incorporating a balanced diet with reduced calories with a
regular exercise regimen. Some tips include:

Eat more fruits and vegetables. Foods high in fiber such as
whole grain breads, fruit, and cereal can help you feel full

Exercise. Get 30 minutes of physical activity a day even if you
must split it in 10-minute increments throughout the day. Try to
exercise on most days of the week; choose an activity you enjoy.
Start slowly and then add more days as tolerated.

Be accepting. Accept your body the way it is. Maintain. Instead
of having a goal to lose weight, think of not gaining it, says

Be aware of your mind and body while you exercise. Cotton says
it helps not to read magazines or watch TV while working out.
“When you’re present, you’re better able to make decisions about
your habits … and your true needs,” he says.

Source: WebMD

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