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How To Get In The Best Shape of Your Life

Did you know that how you live, day to day, determines the level
of strength and muscularity you’ll achieve?

It’s true, if you have a lifestyle that supports fat loss,
muscle gain, and strength increase, those things will occur

It’s when you expect one thing and do something totally opposite
trying to get it that it becomes a problem.

If you drop a rock from a tall building, it’s going to fall to
the ground, whether you like it or not. It just happens.

If you train heavy, consistent, intensely, and support yourself
nutritionally, you will get stronger and more muscular.

It happens. Certain steps lead to certain destinations.

But doing things repeatedly that do not support your goals will
ensure you do not reach them.

For example, you want to gain lean muscle and increase your
strength, but you consistently fail to eat the right types of
food, at the right times , or the right amounts.

Or you want to shed some body fat yet you continue to take days
off from cardio because you’re not motivated enough to do it.

If you want to skyrocket your strength, if you continue doing
light weight and high reps, how is that ever going to get you

If your lifestyle is not supportive of gaining muscle and
strength, then it really doesn’t matter what you do in the gym,
your results will be limited.

So what’s the key?

Replace those things that will hinder or sabotage muscle growth
with newer, more productive habits that continually support
muscle growth and strength.

Here’s an example.

It’s the new year and you decide one of your resolutions is to
gain muscle, specifically 5 pounds of lean muscle in the next

You give up your old, unproductive habit of just hanging out at
the gym after a workout, not eating or drinking a post workout

Instead, now you have a protein and carb drink ready to shake
and slam after the workout.

You changed a very minor thing but it will make a huge
difference in your gains.

Say that you want to lose 10 pounds of body fat to see your abs,
but for dinner each night you continue to eat pizza or
cheeseburgers and fries.

A couple months later, after doing all those crunches, you still
do not see your abs so you figure it probably just wasn’t meant
to be.

A new, improved lifestyle change could involve eating a salad
and chicken breast instead of your burger and fries a couple
nights a week.

So, as plain as day, how you decide to live your life each day
impacts what you will achieve in terms of muscularity and

The key is to make small, improved lifestyle changes that
support fat loss and muscle gain, and continue them until they
become habit.

Then move on to another small change that benefits your goals,
replacing an older, less productive one.

By changing habits in moderation, you do not overwhelm yourself
with a sense of displeasure from restrictive eating or too much

In fact, by making your lifestyle changes in moderation, you
increase the likelihood that these changes will be long lasting
and permanent.

Just start replacing old, nonproductive habits with newer, more
supportive ones that contribute to muscle and strength gain and
soon your concerns with your physique will be a thing of the

There are some times in the gym, while I’m working out, that
some younger guy will approach me and ask me how I’m able to
lift some of the weights I use.

They expect me to tell them that I’m able to straight bar curl
150 pounds or bench press 375 because of some supplement I take.

They often look at me dumbfounded as I tell them that one of the
biggest reasons for my strength gains are because I’ve been
lifting for a while and have just grown accustomed to handling
heavier weights.

It’s no secret that the longer you do something, usually the
better you get.

This holds true with lifting as well. The longer you are able to
keep lifting heavy and intensely, you are going to get stronger
and more muscular as a result.

So, the reason why there are many bodybuilders stronger than a
lot of people is that they’ve just been doing it longer than
most and the experience has been one of increased strength.

So, the key to becoming stronger and more muscular lies in your
ability to keep at it, keep training, and make sure your daily
habits support your goals of building muscle, losing fat, or
gaining strength.

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