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Want To Lose Fat? Build Muscle!

Want a sure-fire way to help your body rid itself of unsightly
body fat, better yet, keep it off for good?

Learn to accelerate your body’s metabolism. One way to do this
is by incorporating resistance training (weight-training) into
your routine. That’s because the more muscle mass you have, you
more body fat you will lose, even at rest!

Your metabolic rate determines how your body utilizes calories
throughout the day for energy.

Metabolism is simply the speed in which your body burns through
food. It is the conversion of digested nutrients into components
for energy or building muscle.

Having an accelerated metabolism means that we will burn more
calories often because our body will be utilizing and burning
off food more often. One way to accelerate our metabolism is by
increasing our amount of lean muscle tissue in the body.

Muscle helps speed up your metabolism. Since muscle is
metabolically active tissue, the more you have the more calories
you burn. This is why resistance training is so vital to
long-term weight loss.

By the way, long term weight loss is really the only safe and
effective way to lose weight. Quick weight loss is not long-term
weight loss.

When you add lean muscle tissue to your body composition, you
increase the amount of calories your body burns and you also
increase your metabolic rate. Muscle requires energy to maintain
and it gets that energy from burning calories. So building
muscle is one of the best long-term weight loss tools you can

There are studies that suggest that you only expend about 10% of
your daily calories through exercise, the rest is expended
through your body’s metabolic functions. So again, the more lean
muscle tissue, the more calories your body will burn for energy
throughout the day while going about your daily routine.

Now, the quickest and easiest way to build muscle through
resistance training is to perform your resistance training with
less repetitions and a little more weight.

It would stand to reason that if you could lift 100 pounds 10
times, you could lift more weight than that if you had to do
less than 10 times. I incorporate lower reps into my clients
workout programs and the results are an increase in lean muscle.

Over time, this increase in lean mass will help accelerate
fat-loss by dipping into stored body fat as a source of fuel.
Losing body fat, remember, simply comes from expending more
calories than you consume.

Also, progressively strive to lift more weight when the weight
you are using becomes too easy. If it’s too easy, you will not
benefit from it very much.

The combination of resistance training with supportive eating
throughout the day will assist your body in adding lean muscle
to its frame.

This lean muscle will increase the amount of calories you burn
off throughout the day. So to lose fat, hit the weights and
build muscle!

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