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Five Reasons Why You Should Drink More Water Everyday

1. Drinking more water everyday will keep your skin looking
smooth and supple. Applying expensive creams and lotions to your
face is not an effective way to conceal the effects aging has on
your skin. The real fountain of youth can be found in a glass of

2. Drinking more water everyday will help you cut calories.
Most popular beverages are loaded with calories. A can of soda
can have as many as 240 calories per serving. Drinking 1 or 2 of
these each day is a recipe for gaining weight. Choosing to drink
water instead is the calorie free way to quench your thirst.

3. Drinking more water everyday will help you distinguish
thirst from hunger. If you allow your body to become dehydrated
it will be difficult to discern whether that gnawing feeling in
your stomach is a call for food or a call for water. And if you
keep eating food when what your body really needs is water, you
will gain weight.

4. Drink more water everyday will help your think more clearly.
Research has repeatedly shown that staying hydrated is necessary
for the human brain, which is 85 percent water, to function at
optimal levels. That is why many school systems throughout the
country now encourage students to keep a bottle of water at
their desks and to drink it throughout the day.

5. Drinking more water everyday will help you feel better. Your
body is about 75 percent water and 25 percent solid material.
Doesn’t it make sense that you would need to drink water on a
daily basis to ensure that your body has all the water it needs
to perform at optimal levels. It is a mistake to believe that
thirst is the only indicator of a need to drink water.
Constipation, achy joints and fatigue are also signals that your
body may be dehydrated.

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