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The Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Walk Everyday

1. Walking everyday promotes weight loss. If you move at a
fairly brisk pace you can burn between 240 and 440 calories per
hour of walking. This can translate into approximately one pound
of weight loss per week or 52 pounds per year.

2. Walking everyday will increase your energy level. Energy
comes from energy. That’s why the more you move, the more you
feel like moving.

3. Walking everyday will support you in feeling good about
yourself. There is an incredible sense of accomplishment that
accompanies doing something that’s good for you.

4. Walking everyday will improve your ability to cope with
stress. It will help you relax and better manage the unexpected
twists and turns of everyday life.

5. Walking everyday will improve your appearance. A regular
walking routine will help you to lengthen and tone your muscles.
This will make you appear slimmer.

6. Walking everyday will increase your overall sense of
well-being. Regular physical activity will increase the release
of the hormones that make you feel happier and emotionally

7. Walking everyday will increase your mental acuity. Research
has shown that people who walk on daily basis think more clearly
are better able to focus and concentrate.

8. Walking everyday will help you become physically fit. It will
improve your stamina and strengthen your muscles.

9. Walking everyday will help you stay active. The more time you
spend walking the less time you will have to devote to sedentary
activities like watching television and mildewing on the couch.

10. Walking everyday will help you stay healthy. It increases
the efficiency of your heart and lungs. It also reduces your
cholesterol levels, blood pressure and your risk of major
illnesses such as heart attacks, diabetes and strokes.

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