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Should Xenical be Approved for OTC Use?

For Immediate Release Should Xenical be approved for OTC

Brea, CA – January 25, 2006; Yesterday, Xenical, also known as
Orlistat, was the big story in the news. The FDA is considering
approval of Xenical for OTC (over the counter) use.

The question is: Should Xenical be approved for over the counter

What is Xenical?

Xenical is a “magic bullet” marketed to obese people who are
looking for a weight loss miracle drug. It is touted as a drug
that should only be taken by obese people because of its
dramatic weight loss effects.

How does it work?

Xenical blocks some fat from being absorbed by the body. In
other words, if you take Xenical, some of the fat that you eat
will go in one end and out the other without ever being absorbed
by the body.

The manufacturer of Xenical states that it will only work when
used with a reduced calorie diet. The manufacturers suggest that
your meals should contain no more than 30% of calories from fat
and that you should follow a healthy eating plan.

If you eat a meal high in fat there will be an increase in
digestive side effects (we’ll talk about those in a minute).

Is Xenical Safe?

Xenical will decrease your body’s absorption of the fat soluble
vitamins A, D, E& K. These vitamins are essential to proper
bodily function. * Vitamin A plays an essential role in vision,
growth, and development. * Vitamin D helps to form and maintain
strong bones. * Vitamin E is an antioxidant which acts to
protect your cells against the effects of free radicals. *
Vitamin K is used in the body to control blood clotting.

What are the possible side effects of Xenical? Note: All side
effects listed were obtained from the manufacturer’s website.

Serious side effects include: shortness of breath; closing of
your throat; swelling of your lips, tongue, or face; and hives.

The most common side effects include: * Oily spotting * Gas with
discharge * An urgent need to go to the bathroom * Oily or
fatty stools * An oily discharge * An increased number of bowel
movements * An inability to control bowel movements * orange or
brown colored oil in your stool

This is a quote from the manufacturer of Xenical:

“The bowel changes listed above are a natural effect of blocking
fat and indicate that Xenical is working.”

In a clinical study, obese people taking Xenical lost an
average of 5 pounds over a 6 month period. Yes, you read that
right; after taking Xenical and soiling their underwear for six
months they lost a measly 5 pounds! That is crazy!

In another study of 30 obese people taking Xenical, 10 of the 30
people had to stop taking the Xenical due to severe adverse
reactions. The remaining 20 had negligible results and still
suffered from the “less severe” side effects.

Add this to the fact that any fat lost while on the drug will be
gained back once the drugs’ use is discontinued and you can see
why I am opposed to the use of this drug or its approval for
over the counter use in America.

A poll on MSN showed that 59% of Americans said that they would
try this pill when it becomes available OTC. However, this
“magic pill” is not the answer for those of us who want a
permanent weight loss solution.

Is there a better solution? Yes there is. The only time tested
proven approach to healthful permanent weight loss comes from
what is known as a paradigm shift, a shift in the way you are
currently thinking. You must accept the fact that the “magic
pills” do not work and that healthful permanent weight loss will
only be achieved through a change in lifestyle.

In order to achieve your weight loss goals you will have to
adopt a lifestyle which consists of supportive nutrition and
proper exercise.

Supportive nutrition, as opposed to just healthy eating, will
support your new active lifestyle. According to Dr. Nicholas
Perricone, M.D. “To be healthy and maintain normal weight, we
need all of the food groups. Our protein sources need to be
pure…free of hormones and antibiotics. Our carbohydrates need
to be fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably organic. And we
need good fats…”

Proper exercise is a combination of moderate aerobic exercise
and resistance training performed in the proper amounts and

Al Morentin is a practicing Clinical Exercise Specialist at the
My Fit Life Health & Wellness Center in Brea, CA.

For more information: Al Morentin C.E.S. Tel: (714)585-7551
e-mail: [email protected]

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