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What are the Causes of Teenage Obesity?

If you have children, then you know that a lot of the time they have problems with their weight. There are a few causes of teenage obesity that you are going to want to be aware of, because only after you learn about the leading causes of obesity are you going to be able to deal with your kid’s weight problem and make sure that they are in good health.

Idle Lifestyle

We all know that kids like to sit around and play Nintendo games, well this is one of the leading causes of teenage obesity. You need to make sure that your child is staying as active as possible, so that you can avoid this of the causes of teenage obesity as best as you can.

Try to get your child outdoors and away from the television as much as you can so that they are active and are not going to end up overweight.

Poor Eating Habits

Another of the leading causes of teenage obesity is poor eating habits. A lot of teenagers do not realize just how poorly they are eating and then before they know it they are overweight. It is important to teach your child proper eating habits and make sure that they know just how important it is to eat the right foods and this way they are going to keep these healthy eating habits for the rest of their life.


Not only is one of the causes of teenage obesity poor eating habits, but also overeating. This is why you need to be aware of not only what your child is eating, but how much of it they are eating. They should be eating three healthy meals a day, and while snacking in between is fine, you want to be careful with how large the snacks are.

As they eat more and more, just as with an adult, their stomachs are going to grow and then they will just continue to be more and more hungry.

If you want to learn more about this and see what you can do for your child to make sure that they do not get overweight, then you are going to want to talk to the family doctor. They are going to be able to offer you the information and advice that you are looking for here and make sure that your child stays healthy. If they are already overweight, they will help you come up with a diet plan.

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